Re: [CR]Monson MA. Swap Meet

(Example: Humor:John Pergolizzi)

From: "Hetchinspete" <>
To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Monson MA. Swap Meet
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 22:28:24 -0500

Warren: Thank you for posting Jim Huntingtons show to the CR. I go every year and have a great time schmoozing with folks that I've not seen since the Fall of the prior year. Now I'll give a little PR to Jim's show, as I talked to Jim tonight. Years ago Jim was very active in buying and selling very unusual and exotic bicycles considered by us antique, anything from wooden wheel, highwheelers and the like. But as Ebay starting becoming more popular, Jim's market dwindled until he no longer buys and sells for a living. But because of his passion for bicycles and his long freindship with many of us in the cycling community, he plans to run the show in Monson, Mass as long as folks keep coming over for the event.

The show and swap in Monson is not a huge event, with mostly the same people every year, all dedicated freinds of Jim. Most of the tables at the swap will be filled with goodies from the Antique area to Ballon Tyre, but as has happened at Copake, more lightweight stuff show up every year. There will most likely be between 25-40 vendors, that will start showing up at around 6:30AM, with the show usually breaking up around noon.

There will be a Concour this year as always, again a small one, but there are always gorgious exotic pieces of cycling history that show up. Jim will be giving out prizes or trophies for the Concour winners. From Boston, Monson is about a ninety minute drive and well worth the trip. I encourage CR members to come by Monson and enjoy the day, and help Jim promote his event.

I'm planning on bringing out a few of my rarest Hetchins to show, including a 1949 Hetchins Nulli Secundus prototype model which has been verified by Len Ingram of the VCC to be the first Nulli ever produced, and possibly the pre-curser to the entire Latin Lug series at Hetchins, and second, a 1935 Hetchins Brilliant which is the 5th oldest Hetchins on the Official Hetchins Register and the oldest surviving Hetchins in the U.S.

I hope to see many CR members at Monson.

Peter Naiman Roslindale, MA

> From:
> Date: 2004/02/05 Thu PM 12:15:02 EST
> To:
> Subject: [CR]Monson MA. Swap Meet