Re: [CR]Slow Shipments from Europe.....LONG!

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PY-10)

Date: Sun, 08 Feb 2004 23:00:21 +0100
From: "renaissance-cycles" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Slow Shipments from Europe.....LONG!
To: Fred Rafael Rednor <>,
References: <>

Hi Fred................Your BB cups has been pick and are awaiting packing on Band # 1..............It might have cleared packing and could be on band # 2, Transition! When it clears band # 2 it will find it's way to one of 3 final control bands, for your Banana brain item..............that would be band # 3.

I LOVE THIS THRREAD!............And I know it's probably sounding a bit old. If this thread has anything to do with us then this is fine! What can I say, growing pains, as of yesterday I twisted my knee and I've been working on this leg all day and all night long!............. I know what it will be like when I get up tomorrow, straight and stiff as a board!

Anyway! Here'a a few things that the list should know about late shipments from us and perhaps other Euro dealers. For staters we're just out right busy. Friday night Cecile did a 27 hour day! Yep!.......That's right..........a 27 hour day. Just how busy! Well starting back in Sept!.........We're using ebay as a leader to Renaissance cycles. We thought 4K for Septembers ebay sales was cool fore it also brought new customers to the site and they bought there as well. Ok!.........We're still feeling good about things, October rolls in and ends with a ''BANG!'' Ebay sales doubled.........This again brought new customers to the site, with that came the follow up sales. WOW! we're starting to feel the load, Roller bands are sounding like a train is coming through the warehouse. Ok maybe November we'll see a correction because we thought this was one of those things, WOW!...WOW!...WOW!......Nothing doing It doubled over again! With this came the follow up sales. Result of all this ''DELAYS...DELAYS! AND MORE....DELAYS!....All this and we still had our normal site sales to deal with. IF YOU ALL REMEMBER WITH MY LAST CR OFFER! I said here I go again, putting my foot into my mouth!........In fact a few of you guys asked what I was trying to say when I said that! Well now you know.

Other reason for delays on top of our situation. Delays of packages leaving Holland with final destnations within the U.S~! The drug policies of the Dutch! Of which UNCLE SAM dosen't see eye to eye with the Dutch! This Country ''IS!'' the Worlds # 1 producer and supplier of............''EXTESSY!'' So all packages arriving into the U.S are seeing some very heavy U.S Customs controls. This was passed onto us via the Dutch Postal service. Only after we had a few word with them at the Post office. They got on the horn with the U.S Postal service and this is what they passed onto us. All Packges with Dutch orgins are controlled, no spot checks. The small packages are looked over more so than a big bike box as like one has said I received my bike in 2 weeks, a ''BIG BANG!'' is delivered with a small package.

9/11 thing, we'll all of the air carriers has dropped services as like KLM Royal Dutch airlines. I think their cut backs is around 20%, all of these plane are now sitting in the HIGH DESERTS! of Arizona or someplace like that??............This means less service for these packages that are sent within the extra space of these planes. TNT logistics handles the International post for the Netherlands, I was told that their main hub and sorting is within the U.K. all International package are sent there first then onto their way to who knows where. In the past I've received word from a East coast customer and list memeber that his package made port of entry at SFO, San Francisco,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Then found it's way to him!?!?! I asked TNT, what was up with this and they said, we'll plug these packages into planes heading that way, maybe not to the closet port of entry of which that package should be going. But that's the way it's done then it's rerouted once it gets there.

Negative feedback thing, we'll we must have at least 100 plus non payers, did we leave negative feedback! NO!...............NOT A SINGLE ONE!............WHAT FOR! We're all human and nobody is perfect as like some buyers would like us to be! But you know what, if everybody and everything was so perfect then this World would be one hell of a boring place to live in.

Other delay form us!................Well hey!.............When a control of 250K can be had for as little as 7.5! Darn right! We're locking up shop and chasing it down!.........This be the truth, there has been several scores like this.........The best was the MERCKX score!................WOW! toooooooo BAD it was lost in the fire! Hey guys you remember those SR brake levers ''WITH!'' fresh hoods that was being had for the cheap! Well we got them real cheap!...........So we offed them for real cheap! This buy was 4K and it was controlled @ 290K. This brings up a point, in the past we have been contacted by an old and long gone customers and resellers. One of these lads wanted us to fix our price with his! We were selling a certain item for $ 29.- and his price was $ 85.-! Nothing doing $ 29.- is where it will stay. This person then tried to buy all of these stocks, but I said ''NO WAY!'' If I did then he would then be able to control the market of ths item at $ 85.-.

Now I think this thread may have been started by a customer of recent who was unhappy about our sending period. If if it is then he got his item for a whole lot less than our list price! 14,99 instead of $ 34.-....Hey! This is a chunk of change that he just saved. Negative feedback came at about 3 weeks, of which stated time of delay was 4 weeks! Oh well if this be the sole, he said that he was going to send my customers my email that I sent to him. Then what can I say, you can't make them all happy................But darn I'd a ''HAPPY CAMPER!'' with a savings of $ 19.- for this item...............Shoots I'd take a lady friend out for a nice little lunch!.......Lady friend, wife, whoever!

Anyway! We've invested heavy into things to try to help to remove some of the delays such as several thousand $$$ for roller bands, 5 computers and on and on and on! If it keeps up we're even looking into doing an up and over roller bands system As it is it looks like rush hour in LA!....................Some of you guys knows what I'm talking about! List memeber ''BIG BOB COHEN!''...................Hey! BOB!.....Where are you!

LAST OF ALL!.............We are hoping and we know, the relocation of Renaissance cycles should fix some of our problems. HEY!................3 TO 5 WEEKS, WE'RE OFF TO FRANCE FOR THE LEGNANO AND DETTO SHOE DEAL! ANYBODY WANTS TO TAG ALONG, LET ME KNOW!

HEY!......Cecile is here to pick me up!...........So I'm off for a ''HOT BATH!''.......And hoping this knee will be OK! If not then there will be more delays...............Later!

BC Baron C.................And the gang!........Doing our best. Renaissance cycles Eindhoven Holland!

----- Original Message -----
From: Fred Rafael Rednor
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2004 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: [CR]Slow Shipments from Europe

> > Lately shipments from Europe have been very slow.
> I think we will find it has a lot do with the country from
> which the item was shipped, city from which the item was
> shipped, destination city in the USA, the carrier chosen to
> transport the goods and a fair bit of chance. This past
> Monday, an entire bicycle was sent to me from England and it
> arrived yesterday.
> That's pretty quick. I don't know if this is due to the fact
> that it was shipped from London to D.C., that the port of entry
> is full of Anglophiles, the phase of the moon or that Pete
> Paine sent it via some USPS representative in England. (Pete
> will have to explain how one sends something via USPS from
> England. It any event, it may explain the USPS's continuing
> sponsorship of a cycling team in Europe.)
> Since it was sent to my office, I do not as yet know what sort
> of treatment the package received. We shall see tomorrow...
> Now, this past Friday, a lifetime's supply of French bottom
> bracket cups was sent to me from the Netherlands. We'll have
> to see how long this one takes to arrive.
> Bon chance,
> Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia
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