Our thoughts and prayers are with your husband and your family. I know all too well the dangers of heart disease as it claimed my father and grandfather before they reached the age of 60. Cardio technology of today may have saved them. I am sure that he'll pull through as heaven is not yet ready for a 42 year old CR guy.
On behalf of the NJ CR contingent, I remain sincerly,
Mike Schmidt
Stirling, NJ
> I just wanted to let everyone on this list know that Russ Fitzgerald,
> at the age of 42, has had a serious heart attack, and is facing triple
> bypass surgery next week. If anyone would like to email, please send to
> my address ( I can print them out, and
> take them to him in the hospital. Please send positive thoughts our
> way, and please include him in your prayers.
> Best regards,
> Ana Fitzgerald