Re: [CR]FB hubs: Fratelli Brivio or Brivio Freres - Italian or French

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Ideale)

Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2004 09:47:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Fred Rafael Rednor" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]FB hubs: Fratelli Brivio or Brivio Freres - Italian or French
In-Reply-To: <>

> As I look at the box it is marked "F.B." > (Fratelli Brivio), not "B.F." (Brivio > Freres). Correct? Chuck, I think you're failing to appreciate the staggering contradictions embodied by this hubset's container. Yes, on the top (and on the short side) it does bear the abbreviation "F.B.". Yet on the box's long side - in large letters - it says "Brivio Frere". On the inside cover it says "F.B. - La Marque Supériure" and on the the "Brivio Frere" side it says "Marque De Moyeux De Luxe". If only we could be certain of what "La Marque" actually was... (Well, what it was in France, anyway.) Oh, let's not forget that in addition to being "Supériure" and "De Luxe" this hubset is also "Extraluxe". Cheers (literally), Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virgin Queen's Land (i.e. Virginia)

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