Re: [CR]brit bikes dominate? Oh, please...

(Example: Framebuilders:Doug Fattic)

From: "jerrymoos" <>
To: <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]brit bikes dominate? Oh, please...
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 21:23:32 -0500

Well, I think most of them cycle mostly for transportation, but no doubt they throw in a bit of sport, pleasure and recreation while they're at it.
>From my business contacts with the Chinese I suspect Chinese cycling my go the way of American cycling early in the 20th century - it may dry up very suddenly if automobiles become available and affordable for almost everyone. I hope I'm wrong.


Jerry Moos
Houston, TX

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: [CR]brit bikes dominate? Oh, please...

> jerry
> don't forget about the 67 million chinese cyclists...
> aka Richard M Sachs
> chester, ct
> hoop capitol of the universe
> I agree with everything Peter said with one exception. I think when it
> comes to a tradition of pleasure, sports, and recreational riding, France is
> right up there with Britain.
> Regards,
> Jerry Moos
> Houston, TX
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "P.C. Kohler" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 7:24 PM
> Subject: Re: [CR]brit bikes dominate? Oh, please...
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: <>
> > To: <>
> > Cc: <>
> > Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 7:30 PM
> > Subject: [CR]brit bikes dominate? Oh, please...
> >
> >
> > >> I'm not sure who wrote that...but I'll take the troll, and happily.
> > >
> > > I'm going to assume that this is an amusing joke.
> > >
> > > Brit bikes the best? Please. That *is* a joke.
> > > There are lots of them, but that's about all you can say.
> > >
> > > Charles "I admire some brit bikes, but I admire more bikes guys
> > > actually rode to Masis, colnagos, Pogliagis, and
> > > DeRosas; can someone tell me the last time someone rode
> > > a Raleigh International or Pro to victory in any major professional
> > > race? The odd Hetchins, sure...but most other brit bikes? Not many"
> > Andrews
> > > Fastcal
> >
> > Well now...
> >
> > I guess you Italophiles are indeed just that.. you believe the only use
> for
> > a bicycle is for testerone-driven professional racing. Fine. That's
> > Italianissimo. Cycling is for 22 year olds or granny going for a loaf. And
> > not a lot in between.
> >
> > But consider for a moment that it was the British who gave us what most of
> > us actually do: we ride lovely lightweights for pleasure and sport. Not
> for
> > elite professional competition.You may ride a 1978 Masi but I kinda bet
> you
> > are riding it British style.. club riding or individually rather than in
> > some pro race. How many active pro racers on this list? Hands please.
> >
> > Britain fostered pleasure, sports and recreational riding more than any
> > other country. It is this style of riding we have in the USA. Cycle sport
> is
> > swell and so is Lance. But it's a big country with lots of folks riding
> > "pro" bikes who are... not pros. Which is great. But it's not Italian.
> >
> > As for the quality and characteristics of British bikes vs. others, hey
> > that's a matter of opinion. Shocking to find opinion on the CR list, eh?
> But
> > it's my opinion that to judge a nation's bikes on how many races they won
> is
> > rubbish. If that's true, then you dishonour the bike by daring to even
> ride
> > it unless you're a "pro". Hang it on a wall and worship it.
> >
> > The reason there are so "many" British bikes out there is because they did
> > what no Italian "pro" bike did: they introduced several generations of
> > normal blokes to the joys of sports and lightweight cycling. The much
> > maligned Raleigh International and surely the Schwinn Paramount did more
> for
> > lightweight cycling in the USA than any Italian bike or make. Count 'em.
> Or
> > do their very popularity run them into that elitist brickwall?
> >
> > British bikes did something else: they did their fair duty and won their
> > fair share of honours on another very British ride: the time trial. They
> > also did pretty well in BRITISH races too. Or do only races count if they
> > are in Italy? Or France?
> >
> > Coppi et. al were great. But so was Eileen Sheridan (rode a Hercules), Ray
> > Booty (a Mercian and a Raleigh RRA) et. al. Or Tommy Simpson who rode,
> er...
> > well... ok a Peugeot... (but with BP as a sponsor!).
> >
> > It's a pity Dave Stoller in "Breaking Away" didn't ride a '78 Raleigh
> > Professional.. or I suspect this list would be thronged with Brit bike
> guys.
> > But a movie about an 18 year old American emulating a British cyclist just
> > doesn't quite work, does it?
> >
> > And finally, Italian bikes don't have celluloid mudguards, Hinduminium
> > brakes, Coloral feeding bottles, sleeve grips and "polychromatic" colours.
> > Or names like Moth Magnificent, Golden Flash or Mayfly. That's not an
> > opinion. Just a pity.
> >
> > Peter Kohler
> > Washington DC USA