S/A hub oil, I believe was just 30 weight oil, depending on where and what temperature your operating it at, I would think that the main concern is to have an oil that is heavy enough to cling to and lube the internals, while not so thin that it leaks out of the bearing cup threads. I do usually use a straight 30 weight synthetic oil, but not so much for the improved performance as a lubricant, but to avoid the oil from "drying up" or varnishing if the bike sits for any length of time.
Joe McKishen
Vineland, NJ
> Kohler states:
> > The other essential is gear oil for Sturmey-Archer hubs. This seems to
be a
> > bone of contention among some who believe you can inject any old motor
> > into the hub and be done with it.
> My S-A's are lubed with VooDew which came with my Rohloff. Smooth,crisp
> changes. Only time will tell on the cleanliness.
> Craig Montgomery in Tucson