> Dear C-R member,
> I have been collecting-riding Raleigh Peofessionals for several years but
> i still do not know how to identify year of production by serial number.
According an official Raleigh document, the numbering system (in effect c. 1971 ish) was
First Symbol (letter denoting works where frame was manufactured) i.e. N (Nottingham), W (Worksop)
Second Symbol (number indicating month of manufracture) A=Jan, B=Feb, D=Mar, E=Apr, G=May, H=Jun, K=Jul, L=Aug, M=Sep, N=Oct, P=Nov, S=Dec
Third Symbol (number indicating year of manufacture) i.e 3= 1973, 4= 1974
Peter Kohler, ready for his 1st Raleigh Pro!
Washington, DC USA