[CR]Free: Unique British "Never-Off" Freewheels - at Cirque

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Cinelli)

Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2004 22:06:57 -0400
From: "HM & SS Sachs" <sachs@erols.com>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org, losborn2@wvu.edu, abikie@AOL.COM
Subject: [CR]Free: Unique British "Never-Off" Freewheels - at Cirque

Friends, this is the kind of offer that usually only comes along April 1, and then mostly from our esteemed colleague, Mr. Sheldon Brown, of Harris Cycle (but he does a better job):

At Trexlertown (where else?) I may have won the Bottom-feeders Funk contest myself. I came home with half a dozen or so Genuine British T.D.C. freewheels, really grimy. These take a really nice but essentially unavailable remover that has three deep male "teeth" that engage equivalent slots in the body. Yeah, Larry Black has at least one, but who knows where? :-). Actually, they have a nice design, with inner cogs splined and outer ones threaded -- like the early Suntours.

Think of the uses: put one on a "gift" bike for your favorite brother-in-law who won't ride anyhow, so he'll never notice that you can Get It On, but you can't Get It Off... Attach to a chain for your next street rumble. Use for paperweight (perhaps after cleaning): no one else in the office will have one. Install as intermediate drive on a Trike for when you are very, very, old and won't tighten it up very much anyhow. Wear it as a belt buckle next time you fly, just to watch the folks at Security wonder about you.

I'll have these at Cirque, first come, first serve, free -- if you'll tell me a good yarn on some outrageous use for these classic pearls. Or if you will just take one.

One condition: If someone has a real need for these (sort of 14-24 through 14-28), let me know before Cirque. You should establish that you have or can get a TDC or equivalent puller. That would take priority over giving them away. In that case, if I got back my $5 that I paid for the box, I'd do fine, since I did salvage a Simplex FW from it.

Your smileage may vary.

Harvey Sachs* McLean VA *showing a depth of mud-dredging under the bottom feeders that would even embarrass Larry Osborn.