[CR]RE: CR - best wishes for Wayne

(Example: Production Builders:Frejus)

From: "Ben Sanford" <B.Sanford@cox.net>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 20:30:56 -0400
In-Reply-To: <CATFOODTrcVkrewb7be000007f0@catfood.nt.phred.org>
Subject: [CR]RE: CR - best wishes for Wayne

Russ wrote,


I am so glad to read that a full recovery is expected! Please convey my best wishes to your son. While he has no idea who I am, I'm sure he'll be discovering what I learned in the last couple of months - the prayers and well-wishes of lots of people helps a lot. ___________________________

I talked to Wayne Bingham a little while ago. His son has two compressed vertebra, multiplef fractures in his ankle, and is generally very sore all over. He will likely be in recovery for several months, although Wayne is optimistic for a full recovery - but this was a serious accident.

The intersection where the accident occurred is one I am very familiar with since it is on my bike commuting way home. There is a traffic light at the bottom of a hill. He could easily have been going close to 30 mph. Wayne’s son was going straight, and had a green light. The driver of a Mercedes coming the other way (who did not have the green turn arrow), turned left in front of him. Wayne mentioned that his son had prudently moved his hands to the brake levers as he was approaching the intersection, and had time to brake some, but still hit the car hard, and his bike apparently went under the car.

Don’t know if she was trying to beat him thro the intersection or just didn’ t see him, but apparently the police report showed that she did NOT have the right of way.

It seems that there was a discussion on this list just a couple of months ago where Wayne mentioned that bicycles are often invisible to motorists.

Be careful. Bikes can be fixed easier than riders. I know that Wayne knows that everyone on the list is hoping for the best.

Ben Sanford
Falls Church, VA