RE: [CR]"restoration question"

(Example: Production Builders:Frejus)

From: "sam Lingo" <>
Subject: RE: [CR]"restoration question"
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 2004 22:46:10 +0000

On factory bikes like Raleigh I'd say go with the catalog but on specialty shop bikes like a Claud Butler,one might go with whatever cool part found on ebay that fits the correct time for the frame.

The comment on "ride quality" was on the mark. Where you live has a big impact on the restoration.Great early english parts that can be found at swap/club meets in England are not to be had in Texas.But an English bike can still be restored/built up and ridden even when the total is not always perfect,as lone as you stay with the same type of parts. I check Brown Bros for what was available and look for parts that would be right for my bike.As an example ,steel rat trap pedals were made over 100years with little change. So for me 80s or 90s would still work on a 40s or 50s bike.

And some of my bikes are works in progress meaning built with parts that will be replaced when the correct part is found.In fact I favor bikes so far gone no one else would take them. All of mine have been sand blasted and repainted/re chromed.I'll leave those Perfect bikes,with original paint and decals, for the big boys.Give me something to work on.

sam ,who should have gone fishing with this can of worms,lingo

pleasanton tx

>From: <>
>Subject: [CR]"restoration question"
>Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 16:45:10 -0400
>I know I will be openng up a can of worms with this one, so here goes! What is everyones opinion on restorations with reguard to components? Do you feel that a vintage bike should be restored with the components it came from the factory with(as a complete bike), or is it justifiable to restore a bike with period correct components which may be upgrades that a person would do if they had only bought the frame and built it. For example, restoring an early 70's bike that would have normally been built with a Campy Valentino derailleur,steel crank, etc and building it up with period correct Nuovo Record, etc.
>I am curious to here everyons opinions on the wildly debated topic.
>Charles Schlesinger
>San Diego, CA USA
>Classicrendezvous mailing list


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