Re: [CR]opinions - slow down!

(Example: Events:BVVW)

Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2004 23:54:25 +0200 (MEST)
From: "kim klakow" <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]opinions - slow down!

Whoa, what a blowout of aloofness!

Think of it this way: Why spent more on something, than need be? If the $99 Huffy does for the guy what he wants it to do, it is a good bike, for him. The welding might suck and the colors might be garish, but for him/her it might be his trusty steed. I am sure you know of the people who claim that they don´t want racing tires because you can´t go up curbs with them as good as with 42-622s. Yes, cringe, but there are enough people out there that would label even the least perfectionist member of this list as an anal nutballer. It is fair of them to think so for they have no need of road bike lore, parts, aesthetics, etc. Do they have to? Does my distinction make my opinion any more meritable? I think not.

I had a discussion about something along these lines with a good friend of mine, and after alternately devil´s advocating the whole shebang we agreed that a good bike is one that does what the owner wants it to do. end.

I would not put my opinion over anybody elses. I might not agree with him, but that does not change the value of either of the vantage points, no? I can only agree with Dave.

holding the scales in Berlin, kim klakow

> Dave wrote:
> " appreciate all that you have to say and will never say that my opinion
> is "better" than anyone elses on this list. By the same token, I don't
> feel
> anybody's opinion is better than any others. I respect all opinions and
> consider
> them all equaly valid because thats all they are, opinions. What a boring
> place the world would be if we all agreed on Everything. Vive la
> diferrance,
> (hope I spelled that correct)."
> ***
> Surely you jest. All opinions are most definitely
> NOT created equal. Otherwise, I'd have to take seriously
> the guy on the street who says his 99-dollar Taiwan Huffy
> is every bit as fine a bike as my Colnago Super from 1970.
> It's his opinion against mine, after all, and what do I know?
> Since apparently all opinions are created equal.
> Seriously--stating the painfully obvious--
> some opinions are more relevent/informed/intelligent/
> consonant-with-reality than others. If I believed what
> you just said here, I'd have nothing by Sears bikes made
> in China. They're cheaper, after all. And they even
> have nice paint colors, sometimes.
> Charles Andrews
> SoCal.
> PS...and at the risk of being late on this, the German Pogliaghi
> is nice enough, but it's just an anonymous italian frame
> made after Pogliaghi was gone from the scene. Nothing special.
> Even the graphics are the final version of the old Pogliaghi
> look, and haven't much, if any, charm. As for the rest,
> it probably rides great. But who cares? Really? I mean,
> I can buy lots and lots of great riding bikes that aren't worth
> the postage to get them, usually.
> Some of us, Dave, actually have the temerity to make
> distinctions that your average racer, successful or not,
> could not care less about.
> _______________________________________________

-- Kim Klakow Diplom Grafik Designer +49172-1786481

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