Re: [CR]opinions

(Example: Events:Eroica)

Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2004 05:45:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Mark Poore" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]opinions
In-Reply-To: <>

For the most part I respect most folk’s opinions; however there are some opinions that are really not worth the attention given to them. I believe it was Lincoln that said something to this effect: “It is better to remain silent and be thought of as a fool than to open one’s mouth are erase all doubt.” This is at times more obvious than at other times. Charles Andrews stated: “Seriously--stating the painfully obvious--some opinions are more relevent/informed/intelligent/

consonant-with-reality than others.” Very well put Charles. This brings me to the subjective as in opinion. The dictionary defines subjective as: 1. Proceeding from or taking place within a person’s mind such as to be unaffected by the external world. Particular to a giver person; personal: subjective experience. 2. Moodily introspective. 3. Existing only in the mind; illusory. 3. Psychology: Existing only within the experiencer’s mind. That being said I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion; I just don’t respect some people’s opinions. Case in point, I met a fellow in the early 80’s at a century. This person was a manager for a bike shop that was a Schwinn dealer. He was on a Campagnolo equipped Paramount and I on my Cinelli. In conversation he stated that he believed that a Schwinn Paramount was the only bike worthy of being equipped with a Campagnolo grouppo. I asked him why and if he didn’t believe that my Cinelli was worthy of the equipment? He stated that he thought that a Paramount was the finest frame made and there for the only frame worthy of the Campagnolo grouppo. That was his opinion. My opinion, he was off his rocker and didn’t know what he was talking about there for his opinion meant nothing to me. Of course I didn’t tell him that. I recall a reference in Dale Carnegie’s book “How to win friends and influence people” about arguments; “You can’t win a argument. You can’t because if you lose it, you lose it; and if you win it, you lose it. Why? Well, suppose you triumph over the other man and shoot his argument full of holes and prove that he is non compos mentis. Then what? You will feel fine. But what about him? You have made him feel inferior. You have hurt his pride. He will resent your triumph. And-----A man convinced against his will Is of the same opinion still. I still have a hard time holding my tongue, but am getting better at it.

Mark Poore

Slatyfork, WV

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