Re: [CR]Fuso/Dave Moulton on/off topic ?

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme)

Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 15:39:53 -0400
From: "Jamie Swan" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Fuso/Dave Moulton on/off topic ?
In-reply-to: <>

on 6/15/04 3:37 PM, Chuck Schmidt at wrote:
> Angel M Garcia wrote:
>> Dave Moulton is on the Keeper of the Flame CR webpage.
>> I recently corresponded with Dave and in brief this is the basic story: He
>> worked at Masi end of 1980 until 1982. In the summer of 1982, while still at
>> the Masi facility, he started building frames using Dave Moulton on the
>> frames. In July, 1983, he opened his own frame shop in San Marcos (CA). All
>> the Dave Moulton (labeled as such) framers were custom builds. In 1984 he
>> started to build using the Fuso brand; this was "an attempt to bring down
>> the cost without sacrificing quality, was built five of one size at a
>> time.....The Fuso frames were numbered in sequence starting at Number 1.....
>> When I left the business in 1993 Fuso numbers were up in the 3000s."
>> You might be able to guestimate when your bike was built. If you look in the
>> archives you will find more complete information I emailed the CR list based
>> on Dave's comments.
>> Angel Garcia
>> Long Valley, NJ
> "In the summer of 1982, while still at the Masi facility, he started
> building frames using Dave Moulton on the frames."
> Don't forget that Dave Moulton built under his own name in England
> before he moved to the Colonies.
> Chuck Schmidt
> South Pasadena, Southern California
> .
> _______________________________________________

He also built under the Paris Sport name when he first came to America.

Jamie Swan - Northport, New York