Re: [CR]Re: ebay fraud, part 2

(Example: Events)

From: "Steven Willis" <>
To: "Mary E. Kaminski" <>, <>
References: <> <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: ebay fraud, part 2
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 09:20:18 -0700

The key her is NEVER USE PAYPAL. Ok it is time I shared my Paypal story with you all. I bid on a camera body for me wife's birthday but before I win the bid my son comes down with double pneumonia. So of course I am living in the hospital with him as he is only 4 years old at the time. After a few days I sneak over to the nurses corner at about 3 AM. And get on the computers to see if I won. Well I did and since I always pay with the shop checks I feel a little stuck. I remember Paypal and try that out. I set up an account and sent the money through them. Great a few days latter I get the camera and Erik is out of the hospital and all is well. Until I get my credit card bill. Paypal charged me twice. I called my card company and explained the problem and they said no problem and took the charge off. I called Paypal and explained the problem and they said I have to pay because they paid the seller twice. Well anyway I emailed the seller and yes she got paid twice and said she would give one back. But Paypal hounded me for about 6 months before I could convince them they got the money back from the seller. Now they tell me I am in good standing and can use them anytime I want. But I will never use them and when I sell stuff on Ebay I all ways in big bold print say "I WILL NEVER TAKE PAYPAL.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mary E. Kaminski"
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 11:31 PM
Subject: [CR]Re: ebay fraud, part 2

> Here's another one to look out for:
> Edwin Lommers of Celebration, FL (aka kmps64). Anybody on the list know
> this guy?
> He purchases some brake levers from me & pays the next day via PayPal.
> Ok, so far, so good. I ship the levers the day after, like a good little
> ebay seller. He gives me good feedback a few days later, so I assume he
> has the brake levers. His feedback is all ok. All is well, or so I think.
> Two days later, PayPal puts a freeze on the funds, stating that they
> think it's a bogus payment. I email this guy multiple times, with no
> response. I go back to double-check his feedback, & now there are 4 new
> negatives, for the same thing! EBay pulls his registration. So I can't
> even leave bad feedback. But I do block him as a bidder (not that it
> will make a bit of difference). And because he doesn't have a verified
> address, I have no protection.
> No brakes, no money, no help. Luckily, it wasn't a lot of money, but
> still. And here's the punch line-if I had spent the money from my PayPal
> account before they froze it, I would have been responsible to pay them
> back! Jeez!
> Mary Kaminski
> Philly, PA
> PS: After dealing with everyone on this list & the iBob list, we get
> spoiled a little & forget that not everyone is as wonderful to deal
> with. FWIW, that was really nice of Baron & Cecile to help out. Nice to
> know that there are still some honest folks in the world.