Re: [CR] Is there a difference between Super Record and Nuovo Recordbrake ca...

(Example: Framebuilders:Chris Pauley)

From: <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 10:54:37 EDT
Subject: Re: [CR] Is there a difference between Super Record and Nuovo Recordbrake ca...

If I am wrong, it is only partially. All my Super Record brakes have aluminum alloy pad holders and the Record ones have steel holders. My information that Super Record always had the aluminum ones might possibly be at fault, but it is in accord with my experience. Perhaps the parts catalog only quoted one replacement type.

Hugh Tghornton Cheshire, UK

In a message dated 21/06/04 15:01:14 GMT Daylight Time, writes:

> wrote:
> > My information, from soneone who has been in the bike trade for years, is
> > that Super Record brakes always had the aluminum alloy brake shoes and
> that this
> > was the only difference in the callipers between Record and Super Record.
> Wrong. While I'm not sure what the Cobalto calipers had for pad holders,
> Super Record pad holders were steel, just like Record; part number
> 2014/D on the right side, 2014/S on the left side.
> At some point they began dipping the wheel guides in black plastic. I
> don't recall when.
> --
> Peter Jon White
> Peter White Cycles
> 24 Hall Rd.
> Hillsborough, NH 03244
> 603 478 0900 Phone
> 603 478 0902 Phax