[CR]joining list

(Example: History)

From: "Richard Hacker" <richard@lifejazz.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 09:59:21 -0500
In-Reply-To: <CATFOODzFk9txnHIlQR00001db3@catfood.nt.phred.org>
Subject: [CR]joining list

I joined the group a couple of weeks ago and have been lurking in the background to get a better sense of the group before I posted. I am a cyclist, but new to bike restoration. I recently picked up a tandem fiorelli with a regina 4 speed freewheel as a rebuild project. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but I'm beginning to see that I might have been better off starting with something a little more in the mainstream! I will contribute when I can offer something of value -- I have a feeling I'll be learning a great deal from all of you. Thanks.

Richard Hacker Austin, TX

-----Original Message----- From: classicrendezvous-bounces@bikelist.org [mailto:classicrendezvous-bounces@bikelist.org]On Behalf Of classicrendezvous-request@bikelist.org Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 9:52 PM To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Subject: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 18, Issue 85

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Today's Topics:

1. NSU, Miele cycles (Toni Theilmeier) 2. Galmozzi inforamtion (Chris Zappala) 3. RE:Putting the feeling your bicycle gives you into words (Kirk Pacenti) 4. Re: Mondia Super opinions wanted 5. Wanted: Ron Cooper articles (stevens) 6. FW: [CR]FS: 51 cm Colnago Mexico (skip sinatra) 7. Wtd. Your ruined TA five pin crankarm. (dave martinez) 8. Re: Galmozzi inforamtion (Chris Zappala) 9. Re- Crank Identification (Geoff Duke) 10. Re: WANTED: Vintage Sidi Touring Shoes (Mike Schmidt) 11. Re: Re: Falck (Falk) Tubing 12. Green Brooks saddle on ebay 13. Re: Record calipers are Record calipers? Not. (Harris) 14. Re: handlebar mount bottle cages (Harris) 15. dating a claud butler (dan polito) 16. RE:Record calipers are Record calipers? Not.NOW Weinmann (Steve Birmingham) 17. American Cyclery PART & ART Tent Sale! (Bradley Woehl) 18. Re: Re: Falck (Falk) Tubing (Joe Bender-Zanoni)


Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 21:28:36 +0200 From: Toni.Theilmeier@t-online.de (Toni Theilmeier) To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Subject: [CR]NSU, Miele cycles Message-ID: <5B4B13B4-C482-11D8-AF6E-0050E49E894D@t-online.de> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed MIME-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v613) Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Precedence: list Message: 1

Jerry asked somewhat unbelievingly if NSU made bicycles. You bet they=20 did. Started in 1886 with ordinaries, then swift framed Rovers, and=20 went on until, I think, 1962 or 64. Always sturdy, not too exciting=20 stuff, but you still see them around, even pre-WWII ones. Seem to go on=20=

forever if you treat them right.

Same goes for Miele (not the North American, but Northern German=20 variant). Started off as makers of household appliances, milk=20 centrifugues (if that is the right word) in a place called G=FCtersloh,=20=

then, in 1927, bought a bust cycle factory in nearby Bielefeld and=20 churned out high quality cycles until 1962. Back to making dishwashers=20=

and washing machines. Used to have one right next to my 1962 Miele=20 Sports cycle in the cellar. Have booked a visit to their works museum=20 (20 km from our school) with my class of 16 year olds for mid-July,=20 never stops to fascinate them. I think Miele are viewable on the net.


Toni Theilmeier, Belm, Germany.

P.S.: In the case of a sudden disruption of an e-mail conversation with=20=

me, please assume that I have given up the medium and contact me in a=20 more traditional way. I am in the trial phase of a last ditch system=20 after some others could not stand my constant abusing them.=


Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 11:01:02 -0700 From: Chris Zappala <cmd@TheWorld.com> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Subject: [CR]Galmozzi inforamtion Message-ID: <20040622110102.A7603875@theworld.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii MIME-Version: 1.0 Precedence: list Message: 2


I just picked up an unspecified Galmozzi for $40 on ebay. According to the item description the alignment is perfect. I'm assuming it's not a rust bucket either.

I've read the Galmozzi page on the CR website. Does anyone else have any information? Did I just piss $40 away?

This bike is an obvious candidate for restoration. I wonder if anyone has any leads on Galmozzi decals or art.

Thanks, -chris ------------------------------

Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 15:58:25 -0400 From: "Kirk Pacenti" <kirk@bikelugs.com> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Subject: [CR]RE:Putting the feeling your bicycle gives you into words Message-ID: <20040622195825.M10534@bikelugs.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 MIME-Version: 1.0 Precedence: list Message: 3

In some circles this addiction is refered to as "chasing the dragon". I have felt this way many times while riding my bike. ;)


Kirk Pacenti Pacenti Cycle Design http://www.bikelugs.com ------------------------------

Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 16:01:49 EDT From: Huemax@aol.com To: rodk3d@comcast.net, classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Cc: internet-bob@bikelist.org Subject: Re: [CR]Mondia Super opinions wanted Message-ID: <19c.25cca58d.2e09ea2d@aol.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Precedence: list Message: 4

Swiss made precision, tight, conservative design although B/B is very special as French twist?

It rides fast and tight, mine is Super Mondia from early 1970's.

Have a great evening!

KEN TODA, High Point, NC, getting too HOT, of course summer is here!


Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 13:06:20 -0700 From: "stevens" <stevens@veloworks.com> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Subject: [CR]Wanted: Ron Cooper articles Message-ID: <20040622200620.M73762@veloworks.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 MIME-Version: 1.0 Precedence: list Reply-To: stevens@veloworks.com Message: 5

Does anyone have a copy of the July 1975 edition of Bicycling! magazine, which features an article/review of a Ron Cooper track frame?

If so, I would love to get my hands on a Xerox copy or scanned images of the article, if not of the magazine itself.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated ...

-- Steven L. Sheffield stevens at veloworks dot com veloworks at worldnet dot ay tea tee dot net bellum pax est libertas servitus est ignoratio vis est ess ay ell tea ell ay kay ee sea aye tee why you ti ay aitch aitch tee tea pea colon [for word] slash [four ward] slash double-you double-yew double-ewe dot veloworks dot com [four word] slash ------------------------------

Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 20:21:21 +0000 From: "skip sinatra" <skipsinatra@hotmail.com> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Subject: FW: [CR]FS: 51 cm Colnago Mexico Message-ID: <BAY17-F39rDYsnU1UOJ0000cd37@hotmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain MIME-Version: 1.0 Precedence: list Message: 6

second go'round...the top tube is 52.5 cm

Skip Sinatra, a distant cousin

Frog Level, VA

>From: "skip sinatra" <skipsinatra@hotmail.com>
>To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
>Subject: [CR]FS: 51 cm Colnago Mexico
>Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 17:58:29 +0000
>Thinning the herd here....too many bikes and not enough time to ride them...
>So here goes...a 51 cm c-c Red Colnago Mexico. I have no hard info, but am guessing a 77-79 vintage based upon decals and braze-ons. It is decaled a Mexico and seems lighter than my Super of the same size. It is equipped with Campy SR all around, except the bb is an OMAS Ti. Pantographing on the brake levers. The rims are Colnago by Ambrosia. The frame has uniform round tubing all around. Stem and bar are modern. Gum hoods are new as is the chain and all cables. Overall condition is 7-8/10. Decals are near perfect, there is no rust or dents, just a few scratches. I have jpgs to send...please contact me OL if interested. I'm seeking $1,000 or BO. I thought to offer it here before ebay....
>Skip Sinatra, frog Level VA
>ps..if for some reason I am way off on pricing let me know offlist (preferably someone who is not interested)
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Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 13:46:26 -0700 (PDT) From: dave martinez <dmart84815@yahoo.com> To: CR List <ClassicRendezvous@bikelist.org> Subject: [CR]Wtd. Your ruined TA five pin crankarm. Message-ID: <20040622204626.8649.qmail@web41202.mail.yahoo.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii MIME-Version: 1.0 Precedence: list Message: 7

Hello All,

HELP!! I need a TA 5 pin crankarm. Stripped out pedal holes, gouges, scrapes and peeled away decals are fine! I'll also take any other aluminum alloy crankarm that shares the same TA bolt circle. Dig thru your junk box.

Thanks, Dave Martinez Fremont Ca


Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 15:19:10 -0700 From: Chris Zappala <cmd@TheWorld.com> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Subject: Re: [CR]Galmozzi inforamtion Message-ID: <20040622151910.A7460626@theworld.com> In-Reply-To: <20040622110102.A7603875@theworld.com>; from cmd@theworld.com on Tue, Jun 22, 2004 at 11:01:02AM -0700 References: <20040622110102.A7603875@theworld.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii MIME-Version: 1.0 Precedence: list Message: 8

Hi again,

I apologize for not including my full name and city/state.

Any further leads (one reply so far) on the Galmozzi appreciated.

Thanks, -chris

Chris Zappala San Francisco, CA

On Tue, Jun 22, 2004 at 11:01:02AM -0700, Chris Zappala wrote:
> Hi,
> I just picked up an unspecified Galmozzi for $40 on ebay. According to the item
> description the alignment is perfect. I'm assuming it's not a rust bucket either.
> I've read the Galmozzi page on the CR website. Does anyone else have any information?
> Did I just piss $40 away?
> This bike is an obvious candidate for restoration. I wonder if anyone has any leads
> on Galmozzi decals or art.
> Thanks,
> -chris
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> Classicrendezvous mailing list
> Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
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Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 09:39:19 +1000 From: Geoff Duke <G.Duke@civag.unimelb.edu.au> To: "classicrendezvous@bikelist.org" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> Subject: [CR]Re- Crank Identification Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed MIME-Version: 1.0 Precedence: list Message: 9

Thanks to everyone who chimed in to help identify my crank set.Nicklin was a name I was totaly unfamiliar with so I have learnt something new.As to the date codes for Williams cranks.While there are an extra 2 figures on the crank arm,they are J5 and not two letters.I am guessing that in the very least that means that it is a Nicklin not made for Williams even though it is made in the same pattern.Thanks again, Geoff Duke Melbourne Australia


Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 19:59:00 -0400 From: "Mike Schmidt" <mdschmidt@patmedia.net> To: "steve kim" <bob1andbob2@hotmail.com> Cc: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Subject: Re: [CR]WANTED: Vintage Sidi Touring Shoes Message-ID: <007901c458b4$e3feca20$640a0a0a@linksys> References: <BAY17-F22cAgjHXwKHv00026498@hotmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain;charset="Windows-1252" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Precedence: list Message: 10

Steve, while I am not willing to part with my pair, keep your eyes peeled on ebay and to the Rivendell folks as they get them every once in a while. Also St. John's Cycles in England may carry them as well.

Mike Schmidt
Stirling, NJ

----- Original Message -----
From: steve kim
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 10:09 PM
Subject: [CR]WANTED: Vintage Sidi Touring Shoes

> I'm looking for the touring shoes sidi used to make or ones similar to them.
> If you have a pair you'd like to sell please contact me. My size is a 42.
> Thanks,
> Steve Kim
> Los Angeles, CA
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> >From ‘will you?’ to ‘I do,’ MSN Life Events is your resource for Getting
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> Classicrendezvous mailing list
> Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
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Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 20:05:38 EDT From: Bikerdaver@aol.com To: OROBOYZ@aol.com, classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Falck (Falk) Tubing Message-ID: <45.ef84eab.2e0a2352@aol.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Precedence: list Message: 11

In a message dated 6/22/2004 11:29:09 AM Pacific Standard Time, OROBOYZ@aol.com writes: Maybe some folks don't know, so I guess it might be important to remind everyone that at least in the 60s and 70s that Flack tubing almost invariably was used on the cheapo models within whichever bike brand. As we all know, the mechanical benefit of the make of tubing is significantly less important that the assembly technique and expertise, but in the case of most Falck tubed bikes, as those made with cheaper grades of Columbus (Aelle, Chromor, etc), the workmanship and features (investment cast bits, chrome plating, etc.) were also lessened due to the economics of the process of making a less expensive end product.

NOT that these bikes don't ride great, yada yada...

Dale Brown Greensboro, NC ----------------------------------- Dale and rest of Listers- We had a discussion of this couple months back. I would tend to agree in general with Dales observation. However, for every generalization there are many exceptions. Yes, the truth is that whenever you find bikes made with Falck tubing, a good half of them will make you wonder why the darn bike was even made in the first place. On the other hand, for starters, check out the OLMO in the VBQ that Lou was referring to. Thars a bike that misses the generalization by a LONG shot. cheers- Dave Anderson Cut Bank MT


Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 20:07:02 EDT From: Bikerdaver@aol.com To: pariscyclesuk@hotmail.com, classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Subject: [CR]Green Brooks saddle on ebay Message-ID: <c.2c4f3d82.2e0a23a6@aol.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Precedence: list Message: 12

Green Brooks Pro saddle on ebay. No relation to seller, etc.

http://ebay.com/<blah> 15 9&rd=1

Dave Anderson Cut Bank MT


Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 17:49:16 -0700 (PDT) From: Harris <bianchipan@yahoo.com> To: Steven Willis <smwillis@verizon.net>, Pete Geurds <raleighpro@dejazzd.com>, classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Subject: Re: [CR]Record calipers are Record calipers? Not. Message-ID: <20040623004916.97690.qmail@web21105.mail.yahoo.com> In-Reply-To: <004701c45878$7cb0d520$c39c598a@t1s9z1> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii MIME-Version: 1.0 Precedence: list Message: 13

I doubt that three of the creatures in the same shipment,when new would have been identical.At that time,there was a surprise in every box.Or so it seemed,Raleigh may have been the worst/best about this. Best regards, Harris Spracher Waynesboro Va.

Steven Willis <smwillis@verizon.net> wrote: The early ones did not have that little red pin that keeps the arms centered. Steven Willis 1778 East Second Street Scotch Plains NJ 07076 908-322-3330 http://www.thebikestand.com

----- Original Message -----
From: "Pete Geurds"
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 5:26 AM
Subject: Re: [CR]Record calipers are Record calipers? Not.

> From: "Donald Gillies"
> > Well, I'm afraid I don't have more gasoline for exactly the fire that
> > is campagnolo super record calipers. However, I have been working on
> > restoring 3 raleighs, same year (1974), same model (international),
> > same size (23.5). I've been trying (unsuccessfully) to put together 3
> > identical grouppos for these three bikes.
> Well at least you don't have to worry about different variations of Weinmann
> centerpulls.
> Or do you?
> They're all the same aren't they?
> But maybe the levers are different?
> Or just the hoods?
> BTW: Three identical Internationals? I'd make accusations of hoarding but
> they're not my size. ; )
> Pete "sowing the seeds of uncertainty" Geurds
> Douglassville, Pa
> _______________________________________________
> Classicrendezvous mailing list
> Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
> http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous

_______________________________________________ Classicrendezvous mailing list Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous


Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 17:59:01 -0700 (PDT) From: Harris <bianchipan@yahoo.com> To: Tom Martin <tom@wilsonbike.com>, CR list <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> Subject: Re: [CR]handlebar mount bottle cages Message-ID: <20040623005901.98685.qmail@web21105.mail.yahoo.com> In-Reply-To: <017b01c45873$c275cd40$6501a8c0@lobby> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii MIME-Version: 1.0 Precedence: list Message: 14

I'll consider thinking about this idea,I may even make some.But do not hold your breath. Maybe if I find a bunch of time at hand (unlikely). One question just in case.2 bottles or just 1? Warm regards, Harris Spracher Waynesboro Va.

Tom Martin <tom@wilsonbike.com> wrote: It looks like we are all scratching our heads and wondering why this disappeared from the market and/or fell out of favor. Cyclotourists would find a bottle useful there. Most racers in a 30 mile plus event would. Triathaletes actually do and have neato aero bottles with straws (oh I'm sorry- an integrated vacuum fluid delivery system). And then there are all the noncompetitive type people who just like to ride bikes and get a quick drink in, without wanting to use a camelback. So.....who's gonna 'R&D' a TA bottle cage, and update it with an aluminum cage and stainless hardware? I gather we all want something fancy, and not just a modern alloy cage with a clamp on the back, or a Kan Kooler type thing found on beach cruisers or DUI bikes.

Tom Martin Oakland CA

_______________________________________________ Classicrendezvous mailing list Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous


Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 21:49:11 -0400 From: "dan polito" <thepandle@hotmail.com> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Subject: [CR]dating a claud butler Message-ID: <BAY99-F55eRaNgEpTX50003f97c@hotmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed MIME-Version: 1.0 Precedence: list Message: 15

ok, so i'm trying to pinpoint (or come as close as i can) the model/year of my CB.

i've searched through all the catalogs available to me on the web, and definitely cannot id the bike via picture recognition. unfortunately, i don't have a picture of my CB. but, i can tell you that the "claud butler" logo is BLOCK lettering, all caps, not script lettering. the lettering is on the downtube, and also down the seat tube. check this 1980 holdsworth mistral.


the lettering on my CB looks exactly like that, which makes sense as holdsworth owned the claud butler name at that time.

i've also found out that the claud butler "dalesman" was more or less the equivalent of the holdsworth minstral, and was introduced in 1982.

so, it would make sense that my bike is a 1982 claud butler dalesman.

BUT (there's always a but, huh?) there are two things which sort of throw this off. 1) my CB has track/straight rear dropouts, and in neither the holdsworth line nor CB line can i find either a mistral track or a dalesman track at this time period. so, that's a little strange.

2) my CB has a nervex lugset picked out in black. i believe nervex professional, but am not positive. all the information from the CB catalogs from 1968 and later shows that the CB frames were made with prugnat lugs, not nervex. so that's also a little strange.

as far as serial numbers go, i couldn't really find any information for a CB serial list. on the bottom bracket shell on my CB is stamped "nervex," then a really small 15 digit number underneath (nervex patent number?), then "531" (reynolds) and then "78."

so, i'm thinking that the clue might be in the lugs. if there's a certain year/model of CBs that were made with nervex instead of prugnat, than this may be the "track" or "sprint" version of that model. otherwise, i'm clueless.

any CBphiles out there that can help me?

dan "who's older, me or the bike?" polito cleveland, ohio.

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Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 22:01:32 -0400 From: "Steve Birmingham" <sbirmingham@mindspring.com> To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> Subject: RE:[CR]Record calipers are Record calipers? Not.NOW Weinmann Message-ID: <000001c458c6$01f74e10$6401a8c0@steve> In-Reply-To: <CATFOOD0GggMJ2AVRjk00001d52@catfood.nt.phred.org> Content-Type: text/plain;charset="us-ascii" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Precedence: list Message: 16

Neat page Don! Have you figured out any of the markings on the back of the center section yet? Stuff like the different "made in" markings located on different sides etc. Next time I dig through the box of = calipers, I'll have to take some pics. I think I had around 8-10 different at one time.

Steve Birmingham Lowell, Ma=20

Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 11:31:28 -0700 (PDT) From: Donald Gillies <gillies@cs.ubc.ca> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Subject: Re: [CR]Record calipers are Record calipers? Not. Message-ID: <200406221831.LAA00386@cascade.cs.ubc.ca> Precedence: list Message: 15

Steven Willis is correct about the weinmann calipers and levers needed for a 1974 raleigh international - plastic bushings, bolts through the back of the caliper - weinmann big-drillium levers - carlton hoods. However, there are subtle variations between the late 1960's calipers and levers and carriers, and the mid-1970's calipers and levers and carriers. Here is a web page that summarizes some of the differences.


I ran into trouble when i bought a mid-late 1960's brakeset that looked EXACTLY like the right one (in a blurry ebay picture), and not a single part of that brakeset would have interchanged with my 1974 bicycle. Gosh!

- Don Gillies San Diego, CA


Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 19:19:50 -0700 From: "Bradley Woehl" <bradley@americancyclery.com> To: <Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> Subject: [CR]American Cyclery PART & ART Tent Sale! Message-ID: <005d01c458c8$90b96870$1cedfea9@XPEGGIE> Content-Type: text/plain;charset="iso-8859-1" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Precedence: list Message: 17

Ask Chuck Schmidt to tell you. We have some really special things for = sale. Please read though this and come if you can.

American Cyclery PART & ART Tent Sale!

Friday, June 25th thru Sunday, June 27th

American Cyclery

510 Frederick St

San Francisco CA 94117


Rare Antiques, Wooden Wheels, Classic lighweight frames and parts, = Balloon Tire Frames and Parts, Fixed gear fixins, One of a Kind Items = Rare and special Artwork Lots of Vintage Campagnolo, Clothing, = Closeouts Overstocked items. =20

Special Lightweight Purchases In Store sales only:=20 White Cinelli Cork tape $2 Regal white saddles NOS $10 in the box Clement Tubular tires $12 each Splash Cinelli cork tape for $3 Silca 560 frame pumps $5 Cobra H20 black waterbottle cages $2

Friday 11-7, Sat 10 to 6 and Sun 10-4

*Also showing Saturday at the Trips For Kids Swap Meet in the Presidio = (in the parking lot at Sports Basement) in San Francisco CA for more = info go to Tripsforkids.org

For more info call American Cyclery 415.664.4545=20

Bradley Woehl American Cyclery 510 Frederick St San Francisco, CA 94117 (415) 664-4545 http://www.americancyclery.com


Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 22:57:56 -0400 From: Joe Bender-Zanoni <joebz@optonline.net> To: OROBOYZ@aol.com, classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Falck (Falk) Tubing Message-ID: <002601c458cd$e290d8e0$6400a8c0@jfbender> References: <1d7.244e72e1.2e09d423@aol.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Precedence: list Message: 18

One exception to the Falck tubed bike being of lesser quality was Frejus. The Frejus Tour de France models with Falck look pretty darn good in my opinion and when I have worked on them the BB mitres etc. looked fine.

Joe Bender-Zanoni
Great Notch, NJ

----- Original Message -----
From: OROBOYZ@aol.com
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 2:27 PM
Subject: [CR]Re: Falck (Falk) Tubing

> Maybe some folks don't know, so I guess it might be important to remind
> everyone that at least in the 60s and 70s that Flack tubing almost invariably was
> used on the cheapo models within whichever bike brand.
> As we all know, the mechanical benefit of the make of tubing is significantly
> less important that the assembly technique and expertise, but in the case of
> most Falck tubed bikes, as those made with cheaper grades of Columbus (Aelle,
> Chromor, etc), the workmanship and features (investment cast bits, chrome
> plating, etc.) were also lessened due to the economics of the process of making a
> less expensive end product.
> NOT that these bikes don't ride great, yada yada...
> Dale Brown
> Greensboro, NC
> _______________________________________________
> Classicrendezvous mailing list
> Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
> http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous


_______________________________________________ Classicrendezvous mailing list Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous

End of Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 18, Issue 85 *************************************************

_______________________________________________ Classicrendezvous mailing list Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous