Hi Chuck and all...
Vivagel didn't become co-sponsor op Miko-Mercier until 1979, so if the jersey says "Miko-Mercier-Vivagel", it must be from 1979 to 1981. "Miko-Mercier" first appeared in 1977. Before that it was Gan-Mercier. In 1982 it became Coop-Mercier.
Aldo Ross
Blue Ball, Ohio
wool shorts
> I have a early 70's or late 60's vintage Wool with flocked lettering
> size 5 from Moa Sport. Italy, I have worn it probably 4-5 times on cool
> days when it is dry.
> Interested in selling it but do not know the value. Any comments or
> ideas?
> Condition is like new. I purchased it in the mid 80's from a bike shop
> in Aspen.
> Also a fairly new'/clean set of Emily K wool shorts with a Real Chamois
> available again ? value???
> Let me know off list if you have any idea as to what I should ask for
> these.
> Thanks
> Chuck Johnston
> 970-484-1236
> Ft Collins Colorado