Re: [CR] 62cm Torpado (T0384) questions (was, simply: [CR])

(Example: Racing:Roger de Vlaeminck)

Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 07:02:42 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
Subject: Re: [CR] 62cm Torpado (T0384) questions (was, simply: [CR])
In-Reply-To: <>

My office network strips out any *.zip files.


Jerry Moos Houston, TX wrote: I sent this to Jerry, and then attempted to forward that mail to the list, but I see it was stripped. The is my response to Jerry from yesterday, still applicable, but now not as needed after Steven Maaslands explanation about the color...

In a message dated 8/4/2004 4:58:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Mark, didn't Torpado at one time have top models available in Celeste, not the Bianchi Celeste, but the sky blue the word implies?


Jerry Moos Houston, TX ---------------- Jerry, I believe Dale's brochure at Torpado Main (also posted in higher res. at Mark Bulgier's' enormous online collection site) is from 1983, or perhaps a bit earlier, and lists the two top models (Superlight and Super Racing) as "Pearl Blue". We can view the color there, and again, the link is:

In brochures believed to be from 1985 and 1986, Torpado called it "Celeste Blue", and then "Pearl Celeste", respectively. I'm sending directly to you, a couple of PICs of my 1984 Superlight (ridden at Cirque in 2003), so you can compare it to the ones shown at CR. The look of the color changed slightly for the 84 SL, and then again slightly for the 85 or 86 SLs. My 86SL (frameset only) is the last PIC of the bunch, identifiable by the white band background of the d/tube decals. As I always say ... if anyone else on the list would like to see these PICs, feel free to ask, and I'll send a ZIP file.

*IMPORTANT NOTE* As of yet, I still lack much of this kind of information about earlier Torpados, and would appreciate any and all information the body of the CR list members may have ... that has not been shared with me already. And thanks again to those wonderful people who have! (... Which is not to imply that people are not wonderful, if they have not :) ...)

Mark Agree
Southfield MI