Re: [CR]Pic of the Day 10th August - Stan Ockers World Champion 1955

(Example: Bike Shops)

From: <>
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 12:02:34 EDT
Subject: Re: [CR]Pic of the Day 10th August - Stan Ockers World Champion 1955

>Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2004 21:11:51 -0400
>From: "Aldo Ross" <>
>Subject: [CR]Pic of the Day 10th August - Stan Ockers World Champion 1955
>Stan Ockers (Belgium) wins the 1955 World Road Championships in = Frascati, Italy. Note the Universal "Extra" calipers, tape wrapped = around the brake levers almost their full length, two-cable rear = derailleur (what kind is that?), new plastic bottles with flat = (spoutless) snap-on lids (lid missing from bottle in his pocket), no = chrome on his Elve' frameset, scalloped Titan handlebars, and bar plugs = installed over the bar tape. From "Miroir-Sprint" No.481, 29th August = 1955.
>< bum17&id=3DStanOckers1955&full=3D1>

Aldo Ross Blue Ball, Ohio


Funny thing about that water bottle. While cruising in the WORLD of Ebay a couple of months ago, I stumbled across an auction in France that mentioned the TdF. As I looked at the water bottle in the auction, it just seemed very familiar. I began to dig into my 1950s Italian "Sport Illustrato" weeklies, and discovered that all the PICs of the Tour (and seemingly every other race covered) showed that the riders used these bottles. Well, what right minded vintage bicycle collector (while excitedly expecting a mid 1950s TdF style Torpado, direct from Italy) could pass up such a gem? Certainly not I, and a couple of weeks later, the bottle came into my possession, ready to fill the empty handlebar cage on the Torpado. Turns out the bottle is dated, scripted on both sides (differently): "TOUR 1954 LA VITTELLOISE". So, I suppose they printed new bottles with correct dates, each year? Two things come to mind, to end this senseless run-on: 1) Can anyone share more about these "new" 1950s plastic bottles, and the LA VITTELLOISE printed on them? 2) You ain't LIVED till you've deep sniffed the inside stench of a long closed-up, fifty year old plastic water bottle ... makes ya' ride FASTER!!!! (O)^(O) YUCK!

Mark (moldy nose) Agree
Southfiled MI