Re: [CR]Pedals Questoin : 1970's

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Chater-Lea)

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From: "Duane Kennard" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Pedals Questoin : 1970's
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 09:12:06 -0700
To: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
cc: Sheldon Brown <>
cc: Donald Gillies
cc: Sheldon Brown


I was guessing that the aluminum alloy-caged Lyotard pedal was the 45CA based on this page from the '74 Cyclo-Pedia catalog seen here: p51%20Lyotard%20pedals.jpg

Other sellers may have given them a different #; I don't know. Both of my '71ish Motobécane Le Champion bikes came with that all alloy (but steel spindle) pedals.


Duane Kennard

On Aug 10, 2004, at 5:51 AM, Jerome & Elizabeth Moos wrote:
> I'm familiar with the Lyotard 45D (Dural) which usually came on early
> 70's PX-10s, and with the 45A (Acier), which is pretty much the same
> pedal with steel cage plates.  Both have the road quill on the outer
> end.  However, I have a late 60's PX-10 with different Lyotard
> pedals.  These have no road quill, only small ridges on the ends of
> the plates, like a track pedal.  Cleverly, the ridges on the "rear"
> plate are on the top, and those on the "front" plate are on the
> bottom, so that whichever way the pedal is turned, the tabs are in the
> right place, and there is no top or bottom of the pedal.  Was this the
> 45CA?  The plates are steel, so that matches the "A".
> Regards,
> Jerry Moos
> Houston, TX
> Sheldon Brown <> wrote:
> Donald Gillies wrote:
> >>Q: Who made an all-aluminum (barrels, quills) pedal outside of italy
> >>(campy, gipiemme) and japan (mks) in the 1970's ?? What were some of
> >>the model names / numbers ? Thank you.
> Duane Kennard top-posted:
> >How about the Lyotard #45CA (not positive of the #),
> In Lyotard, the "A" stands for "acier" (i.e. "steel.")
> >or the Barelli Supreme?
> >Also the Zeus Criterium, the TA, and the Phil Wood. I'm sure there
> >were lots more...
> Don't forget Atom.
> Sheldon "Aluminiminimumum" Brown
> Newtonville, Massachusetts