RE:[CR]Pic of the Day 19th August (Coppi)

(Example: Books)

From: <>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 01:37:41 EDT
Subject: RE:[CR]Pic of the Day 19th August (Coppi)

In a message dated 8/19/2004 12:15:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time, "Michael Butler" writes:
>I am more than a bit confused by this one, I always thought if it had road ends by definition its basically a road bike. Surely this is just one of his many road frames kitted up with a fixed wheel for track use? Why I don't know. When I saw him ride on the track he was using what I call a proper track iron complete with track ends. Did he ride on the track reguallary with road ends on his frame? This would have severly limited the choice of gear ratios he could use on the track by using these type of ends (especially if he used 1" pitch). Please help I would be really interested to learn more on this or ws this just a one off.

Aldo's link:

Last April Matteo had a late 40's Bianchi for sale on Ebay that's similar to this one, a track bike with road dropouts (but no der hanger). Matteo's hadwooden rims tho. Anybody want pics, let me know, I saved 'em. According to the collector Matteo got the bike from, Bianchi used these dropouts on their track bikes until the early or mid 50's.

Bob Hovey
Columbus, GA