Mick, can you tell me if Wally Green and "Doc" Green are the same or
different persons? I believe Doc is still alive. I have conflicting info
about him and his time at Gillotts. Harry Carrington, the manager and
instigator of frame building there after WW2 told me Doc was employed as a
lug filer who they tried to teach the ways of the torch, but "he nearly set
the place on fire." (HC)
In Steven Sheffields' excellent interview with Ron Cooper, Ron
states that he learnt his trade with Bill Philbrook. Steven then suggests
George Holt and Ron replies "Yeah, George Holt and a master framebuilder by
the name of Doc Green. (continues-) He was a master framebuilder from one of
the other small lightweights (?) in North London." end quote. I find this
confusing. It implies that Doc was building at Gillotts AFTER he had set up
on his own in North London.
Doc did set up on his own and plagiarised Gillotts badge and transfer
style. Some of the lugwork was similar too. Can anybody clarify this?
Mark Stevens in glorious sunny Dingwall Scotland