I don't know about the bar-cons for sure but the ratchet shifter incorporated in them is US Patent 3,693,469.
You can view that at http://patft.uspto.gov/
If you need to, load the alternatiff viewer. It is an easy process.
This patent shows a Japanese priority date of 1970. That would be the date of filing in Japan.
I would guess any ratchet shifters didn't show up in the US until 1972 (early Fuji Finest.) I don't remember any bar-cons until perhaps 1973 or 4.
Joe Bender-Zanoni
Great Notch, NJ
> Does anyone know when the Suntour Barcon shifters were introduced? I think
> remember using them as far back as 1971 or 72 - did they pre-date the 70s?
> Thanks!
> Greg Arnold NYC