RE: [CR]Damage at Bike Shops

(Example: Framebuilding)

content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: RE: [CR]Damage at Bike Shops
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2004 08:38:32 -0700
Thread-Topic: [CR]Damage at Bike Shops
Thread-Index: AcSXSbji4KwTfMiESgm0S6m4aJgi4gAAUlUQ
From: "George Argiris" <>
To: "Todd Kuzma" <>, "Doug Van Cleve" <>, <>

Being a painter, even the best prepped job can chip. When your talking about sharp edges, such as bottom bracket or headset edges even when you tape first, sometimes chips happen. Sure you can minimize the effect if your careful, but shop owners aren't in the business to know painter tricks. I guess I'm more forgiving because I can fix it.

george argiris San diego, ca

-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Todd Kuzma Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 8:19 AM To: Doug Van Cleve; Subject: Re: [CR]Damage at Bike Shops

on 9/10/04 9:34 AM, Doug Van Cleve at wrote:
> I understand Grant's point, after all we are all
> imperfect, but high end shops should be treating expensive/rare frames
> with kid gloves IMHO.

Yes, but even with kid gloves, stuff happens. No matter what level of focus and attention to detail, sometimes something goes wrong. It's not personal. There's no need for anger or attitude.

Sit on the other side of the bench for a moment. How would you like a job where a tiny slip might cost you hundreds of dollars out of your own pocket and some guy getting in your face to boot?

Todd Kuzma
Heron Bicycles
Tullio's Big Dog Cyclery
LaSalle, IL 815-223-1776