[CR]Clement Pistard & Archive searching & show me twin-plate crowns

(Example: Framebuilders:Jack Taylor)

To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
From: "Professore di Pimpissimo" <bici_pimp@mac.com>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 01:36:29 +1000
Subject: [CR]Clement Pistard & Archive searching & show me twin-plate crowns

Hey Swingers,

What say ye of Clement Pistard-o's? I'll spell it clean - Clement Pistard - so that it can be searched for in the archives from hence forth (I checked - nothing under Pistard).

Thinking of taking a shot at these ....

http://ebay.com/<blah> ViewItem&categoryB310&itemq04240199

I'm a Clement virgin and am thinking these could make quite a statement when I show up all bona-fide classic kitted for my re-intro into competitive races at the Velodrome later this year. I'll probably come last in every meet but I wanna show some style. They tell me my Cinelli hairnet won't cut it with current the rules and regs. so I'm gonna get wild on my Giro with a rasp file and many cans of krylon and fashion it to resemble Warren Beaty's hair in the film Shampoo. Next they're gonna tell me I have to wear socks because the UCI states thus !!! Sheesh .... too much 27b-6 ;-)

And with all this talk about archives can anyone suggest what to enter for more accurate results. Frinstance, If I wanted to search for campagnolo super record derailleur pulley's I would enter ....

" campagnolo and super and record and pulley and pulley's " in search string click all of message modified at any time sort by rank list to search - CR

I then get

http://search.bikelist.org/ SearchStringÊmpagnolo%20and%20super%20and%20record%20and%20pulley%20an d%20pulley%27s&Scope=classicrendezvous

Any other tips or tricks for search specifics? I use the archives often (which could mean I have no social life) but sometimes search results are misguided and as vague as Fiat gearboxes, I wish there was a better way to sort the wheat from the chaff. Or is that in the archives as well ;-)

Lastly, I came across a track frame that is my size. Almost literally. Looks way cool but the owner of the LBS who has it knows nothing about it other than he was offered it freshly resprayed and as is. Shiny, way too thick & glossy red. Campy ends and fork dropouts, nervex pro lugs, a serial # that is hard to read because of the paint, and the mother of all twin plate fork crowns that is unlike any other I have seen. I'd like to take pics but the store owner is already thinking his offer of $200 AUD (about $140 usd) might be too low considering how much time I took looking it over. The fork crown literally looks like somebody got 2 plates of thick steel (4-5mm) and brazed them together with a square-ish center portion beneath the steerer and then cut holes for the round fork blades to set through the lower plate that form the pylons of the bridge. Not at all elegant but cool in a brutalist kinda way. Definitely not an IC crown. I've searched the entire world for pics of a similar crown (well google and this archive actually) and haven't seen another like it. I know, I know I shoulda check to see what threading the BB has but I get a funny rush when I see a frame that interests AND fits me ... kinda like a mix of arousal and myopia if that makes sense without wishing to offend anyone and incite much debate that from askance*** that seems like much ado about fennel.

Anyway, If you have seen something like a crown I described, and have a pic or a link i would be most appreciative.



Ben Kamenjas Sydney, Australia beautiful one day, perfect the next

*** - I don't think e-Richie-issimo\u2122® has ever used that word on this forum (no relation to fennel)