Well the Cinelli bicycle ebay listing redux got my interest up, and I too contacted the original listing seller who's response has been posted. I also sent some fishing questions to the "new" lister, thus: "... interested in this bike. Are you the buyer, or what? Can you send me a picture of the bottom of the frame with the serial # on it? Can I drive over and see it? I will be in the area in a few days. Thanks, Richard"
and he just now replied this: "The item location is in UK London." Yeah, right.
Maybe Norris Lockley can swing by in the Estate Car and.....RUN HIM OVER.
and speaking of fraud, check this one out:
But they are all printed on ONE PAGE & even the seller's photograph shows the legend on the bottom: "collector's collection, 500 YEN! Yet he lists them as "new old stock", and in a response to an email I sent asking him to change his listing to make clear they are reproductions, claimed they are indeed old stock from his shop and probably older than (I) am.
Sadly, as some of you know, when I tried to alert EBay, I get their stock email firewall system, with no provision for me to supply the particulars. This bothers me, since as a lot of you know, I have been selling the same decals which are indeed NOS.
What's a fella to do? Richard Bulis Verdi Nevada USA
See you at Velo-Rendezvous, my Cinelli is lookin' fine.