I just found the article I was looking for in an old "tour"-magazine:
Wolber brought this rim out in ´82 to be used with tubulars and/or (of course not at the same time) clinchers. Sizes for these were 700 x 23C - 23W, 700 x 25C - 25W and 700 x 25W sport. Tubulars recommended are: Junior butyl, Special Course, International, Club-strada and Liberty 300-24
Cheers, kim "mixte" klakow Berlin, germany
> "Mixte" in French means "co-educational" or "open to both sexes" , so
> that the mixte bikes built by the likes of Peugeot, Motobecane et al
> really are designed for women and men, and it is a common sight in
> France to see men doing the shopping on just such a bike. By corruption
> of language "mixte" has alos come to mean "dual-purpose" which is what i
> think the Super Champion rim is supposed to be ie for tubulars or
> clinchers.
> I can't actually recall this particular rim but I do remember efforts in
> the early 80s by rim and tyre manufacturers to work together, and I
> think it was about this time or a few years later that the tyre maker
> Wolber bought out Super Champion.Also about that time some tyre
> manufacturers, notably Clement in Italy, attempted to introduce a new
> type of tubular clincher whose real claim to fame was that it had small
> hard flaps of rubber moulded into the lower flanges of the tyre which
> was shaped like an inverted "U", the purpose of the flaps - hard ones -
> being to engage with the beaded edge of the clincher rim.
> What the claimed advantages of this type of tyre/rim collaboration was
> supposed to be, I'm not certain, but I think it was suggested that it
> would be posible, "in extremis" to also stick a tub on the slightly
> wider than normal beads. I recall trying to use these Clement tyres - I
> think that the models were "Evolution" and "Revolution", one being a
> narrow about 20mm black slick, and the other a silver yes I wrote
> silver, it's not a misprint, 20mm file tread. I still have a pair of
> each hanging somewhere in the workshop.
> The tyres were quite rigid due to the stiffened "base-tape" and could
> not be folded and shoved under the saddle - hence the need to carry a
> spare tubular. As I recall , repairs were effected by injecting a
> sealing fluid through the valve hole. The old fellow at Dugast got
> together with another old-timer to make a hand-made version of this
> hybrid tyre ,but the idea never caught on.
> i suppose in a sense some part of the idea has been carrried on by the
> Czech. manufacturer, TUFO, who still produces a type of hybrid/sealant
> repairable tyre in quite a variety of tread patterns.
> Maybe somewhere in and amonst those reminiscences there might be an
> answer to the purpose of the Super Champion Mxte rim
> Norris Lockley
> _______________________________________________
-- Kim Klakow Diplom Grafik Designer Akimbo71@gmx.net +49172-1786481
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