Re: [CR]Re: Selling of Boot's bikes....

(Example: Framebuilders:Alberto Masi)

From: <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 12:28:13 EST
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Selling of Boot's bikes....

Dale and list: I am sorry, i noticed that this morning, well, later this morning, as i posted the note when Dale and I were probably the only right coaster up, (and probably not many lefters either!)and missed it. Boots is in decent physical shape, walks a little slow, but gets up and down the stairs without help. Having known so many peopole over the years, his memory is selective and full of gaps when it comes to remembering riders and fellow bike folk. His sense of humor is sharp and certain triggers of certain people is a bit cloudy.

When he first mentioned selling off the bikes (he's not sure which one or two he wants to keep) several monthjs ago, the figures I estimated were sopmewhat below what he thought they were worth, and I tend to like to get what healthy worth is and I use benchmarks of what's available new and what people are paying for new.

For some reason his $30,000 figure for the line up of bikes even caused me to pause for a breath. After talking to Sandy and she having talked to Boots, they understand that While i agree that that's a good assessment of the val;ue, people have been attuned to lower figures because there's more and more underselling trends thses days and less understanding of vaslue. This debate is fodder for chapters and volumes of dialogue, but Sandy and i agree that a more reasonable firgure of $2,000 per unit is more in the park. The condor would be higher because of the plating, and special interest to those of us that were there at the ceremony. It was commissioned by Georgetown Cycle and specially built for Mr Ward. We have decided that $3,500 is the tag on that one.

As far as visiting, that's not possible at this time and sandy has asked me to take emails and calls, as i am there to visit on a regular basis.

If anyone's inyterested, there's a chance i can get one or two to Westminster Sunday

Maybe Harvey's spot could be used for a Boots Display. My energy is limited for making a booth and people havwe their own agendas as well.

Larry Black 18 miles from the swap but just goiung to visit Mt Airy, Md.

\ \In a message dated 1/30/04 12:04:48 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: Dear members: I am making an important and well considered exception in the CR list selling of Boot's bikes. No pre-established prices are being stated, which as you know is a normally held-fast rule. I suggest that interested parties contact Larry and after being able to preview the bikes' features and hopefully pictures, make an offer to Larry and if it's reasonable, hopefully Larry will handle the purchase. I think eBay while a logical way to do this, is something Boots could not engage in....

I hope the reason for this exception is obvious if you read Larry's somewhat rambling but persuasive description of Boots & wife's situation...If not, I cut & pasted a trimmed down version below.