RE: [CR]Phillips w/True Temper on Ebay

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PY-10)

From: <"">
Subject: RE: [CR]Phillips w/True Temper on Ebay
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 16:47:55 -0500

A nice frame.. same colour as my '61 Lenton and I suspect dating to c. 1962-3. I can't make out if the Phillips badge says Birmingham or Nottingham, I suspect the later. Lou, all of the TI bikes of this era had that "Genuine British Lightweight" decal on them. The "True Temper Steel" decal/transfer is rather wonderful, too, but I'd be a lot more tempted had it had a Reynolds 531 decal on it instead. What a shame the big TI-Raleigh empire, then newly cobbled together, gave up producing true (even if "genuine"!)lightweights at about this time. The components, geometry, liveries and general "finish" of British bikes from this era are delightful but wasted methinks on 2030 steel framing.

By the way, there's a Raleigh version of this frame or very close, also in steel, on eBay... a "Royale" in coffee.

Peter Kohler Washington DC USA

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