Mr. Field, Maybe that Mountain Lion doesn't like the taste of Belgians?!? Mr. Hill.
> I am sorry for the OT reply but this really has me spooked. I ride in this
area frequently (yes, I admit it. I crossed over to the dark side long ago).
The male mtn biker was killed in exactly the same spot, Four Corners, where
I took a comfort break just last week. Riding by myself as this guy had,
even riding exactly the same make, model, and color mtn bike. At the same
time of day. To coin a phrase,There but the grace of God...
> Jay Van De Velde
> Seal Beach,CA
> Steve Maas <> wrote:Yet another good reason to ride
classic bikes, on the streets, instead of
> going out into the woods on those mountain-bike thingies....
> Steve Maas
> Long Beach, California
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