OK, it's a club. Actually it seems that it really is both and that both situations were present when Ernesto made the decision. He had an ace up his sleeve AND they were in the city of flowers. To the Italians there is no distinction between the flower and the club. Here in the states, the thought never even crossed my mind.
I will stay with clubs then and remain fully aware that to some it is a flower also. Sound fair?
Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA
Brian sez:
It seems clear at this point that it may be more a flower in Ernestos' mind (although it seems strange to me) and that the two are pretty much interchangable in Italy.
Wait just a flower-pickin' minute. The quote from the interview in is perfectly clear, and I see nothing in any of the subsequent material posted here to alter the essential fact. Colnago talks, in the interview, about how he felt like he had the "ace of clubs" up his sleeve when the race was won on his bike...and so he changed his logo to...
....a CLUB. Not a flower. A CLUB. I see no further reason to discuss it, thankyou very much... ;>
Charles "I always thought it was a club, and
I'm glad that, for once in my life, I might actually
be right" Andrews