[CR]mission for Larry and Dale in San Diego/ wheel information?

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme)

Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 21:36:46 -0500
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
From: "ADP" <aphillips9@mindspring.com>
Subject: [CR]mission for Larry and Dale in San Diego/ wheel information?

Larry and Dale - your timing is *great.*

I just gave Fred my list of days off at the shop through June and I think he had heart palpitations. He was pink when I got to the Cirque weekend and turned positively RED when I explained that I'd be going to BRAG.

Ya'all need to affirm just how important it is for me to get to Cirque! Quick, think of some way that frolicking in NC with all my favorite vintage bike people benefits Bicycle South! Then tell Fred...

Ok, now onto wheels. I've got this pair of high flanged campy hubs laced up to Martano rims. Everything I've read in the archives tells me not too get too excited when tensioning, that overtensioning these wheels can be the death of them. The spokes on the Martanos are shot, I'd like to lace them up to some other low flange hubs I've got and will probably use Wheelsmith 14g spokes. Does this sound ok? How old are these wheels?

I've also got another pair of tubular wheels, a pair of Mavic CX18 rims laced up on low flange Campy hubs. These also need to be respoked. Do I also need to tell my wheelbuilder to not over tension?

And out of the two sets of rims, which are the most sturdy and desirable?

Ann Phillips, Decatur GA

>Hey CR's, Dale and I will be treating California to an audience with our
>latest stand-up routine and are considering a get together Wenesday
>evening while
>we are in SD. The above suggestion is from a friend there. Anybody have any
>other suggestions?
>Maybe this is moot and there have already been arrangements made.
>although I've put on events before, they have been pale compared to things
>like Dale.
>The evening is Feb 4.
>Dale and I have agreed to waive all appearance fees.
>By the way, I am trying to locate CR and Friend Dave Field from SD. His email
>did not go through.
>Thanks in advance.
>larry black
>Mt airy, Md