Re: [CR] CyclArt and the general drift of this thread..

(Example: Framebuilding:Norris Lockley)

Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2004 11:44:48 +0100 (MET)
From: "kim klakow" <>
To: Guy Apple <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] CyclArt and the general drift of this thread..

My mother always used to say (and still does, my wise old mam):

"If you can´t say anything nice about somebody, don´t say anything."

kim klakow berlin, germany

> CR List, Dale, friends:
> To me, this is a case of praise in public, punish in private. I find this
> public bashing to be very uncool and unwise.
> Keep it off the vote.
> Guy Apple
> Sunnyvale, CA
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Sent: Jan 16, 2004 3:30 PM
> To:,
> Subject: Re: [CR] CyclArt and the general drift of this thread..
> CR friends:
> This thread puts a strain on my interpretation of the Classic Rendezvous
> rules and guidelines.. In this circumstance, and possibly others, if we
> state our
> grievances with a company or person who is a CR member, it creates an
> awkward
> situation and puts us outside the positive atmosphere I want for this
> list.
> In this case, with Jim Cunningham, Mike Tatum and their friends and
> customers
> being members of the CR list, it seems inappropriate to drag all this in
> front of the whole list. Again, I apply my old "friends hanging out in the
> garage"
> scenario.. If a person, standing around with us in the old garage, loudly
> voices a gripe against another person standing there, it will be
> uncomfortable
> for all observers and eventually those two parties would be asked to "take
> it
> outside." It definitely seems out of place or impolite to bring up
> serious
> issues standing there amongst friends. That is best done in private...
> It would be tempting for the CR to be the place where we complain or warn
> others about our unhappy dealings. Certainly that happens (to some
> member's
> chagrin) here on the CR list with eBay transactions. But in those cases
> usually the
> offending seller, whether blowing hot air or slow to ship, etc., is not a
> CR
> list member. Somehow that makes a difference on the politeness scales..
> Of course, the other side of the coin is the fact that all businesses live
> in
> glass houses and have to be prepared to face the music when customers are
> dissatisfied. But, the CR list, between and among its members, is not the
> best
> place to air our dirty linen...
> This all hits close to home because even (!) cycles de ORO (me in other
> words) has recently had some "challenges" in our delivery of frame paint &
> restoration work. In other words, a few projects have been not-up-to-snuff
> or
> extremely late.... We are working on those shortcomings but I would hate
> to see all
> that dragged out and debated here on the CR.
> So what do you say gang? Can we all go forward with the idea that we don't
> batter fellow list members? Even if you think they really deserve it (and
> they
> might!) it would just plain uncool to bust their chops here in this
> garage.
> Thanks,
> Dale
> Dale Brown
> Greensboro, North Carolina
> <A
> HREF=""></A>
> _______________________________________________
> _______________________________________________

-- Kim Klakow Diplom Grafik Designer +49172-1786481

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