Dale - Your staff must have missed the sign in the booth, "Only Campagnolo Spoken Here"
John Drake
Sylvania, Ohio
> In a message dated 11/16/2004 9:50:07 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> richardsachs@juno.com writes:
> << snipped:
> -- OROBOYZ@aol.com wrote:
> "My staff people who attend the Interbike show have come back every year
> reporting that the Campagnolo people in the booth are complete asses,
> and indifferent."
> why?
> chester, ct >>
> Why they reported to me that the people were complete asses?
> Because I guess they wanted me to know?
> Because the Campy people were complete asses, arrogant & indifferent?
> Because Charles, Steve, MaryLea, Kyle, Mike T, Jim and Mike C are idiots
> don't realize that the Campy people were sweet and accommodating and they
> got it wrong?
> (This last answer does not ring true to me.....)
> Dale sarcastically-inclined-on-Tuesdays Brown
> Greensboro, North Carolina