Harvey Sachs wrote:
> I've told the tale before, so will be quick. I once had a fully splayed saddle. ON a whim, I wrapped it with a 1" wide nylon strap, and threw it in a bucket of water for a month or two. Think I had put neats foot oil on one side or the other, but not sure. When I took it out, had nice form again, and nice shallow imprint of the strap weave.
Ooops, hit send too soon...
I've used the bucket of water trick. I had one saddle that disintegrated in the water in one hour.
I did another saddle by dunking it for 4 or 5 minutes and then wrapping it like a mummy with one inch wide strips of cotton bed sheet. I let that one dry real slowly in the house over a period of days and it came out really nice. No impressions from the strips of sheeting either.
People caution not to use neatsfoot oil but I find if the leather is of premium quality it will preserve it and if the leather is not of high quality, nothing will help it. Brooks own literature use to recommend the use of either Proofide or neatsfoot oil back before WWII.
Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California