Re: [CR]Cinelli - Windsor

(Example: Racing:Roger de Vlaeminck)

Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 07:35:37 -0800 (PST)
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Cinelli - Windsor
To:, Classic Rendezvous <>
In-Reply-To: <>

Of course he does not say that no former Cinelli employees were involved with Windsor.


Jerry Moos Houston, TX wrote: Just the facts Ma'am!

Following the recent exchange about possible links between Cinelli/Windsor, I exchanged a few emails with Andrea Cinelli. As you can read in the message below, Andrea debunks any rumors about possible links or family tie-ins between the two companies.

Steven Maasland
Moorestown, NJ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Cinetica Sas"
To: "'Steven Maasland'"
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 6:49 AM
Subject: R: Richiesta di informazione

Caro Steven,

Non ci sono mai stati legami (almeno fino al 1985) tra la Cinelli e la Windsor del Messico. La Windsor era interessata a porre il proprio marchio sulla bicicletta da pista usata per il Record dell’Ora (fabbricata però in Italia) che si effettuava a Città del Messico a causa dell’altura sul livello del mare (vedi il Record dell’ Ora di Merckx effettuato su bici costruita da Colnago ma marcata Windsor). Benotto (fabbrica di biciclette in Messico) aveva fatto lo stesso con il tentativo di Record del corridore danese Ritter (la bici era stata costruita da mio padre). Questo fatto permetteva a marchi locali di sfruttare l’evento. Nessun parente ha avuto mai legami con la Windsor.

Ti Saluto, Andrea

Translation: There have not been any ties between (at least until 1985) Windsor and Cinelli. Windsor was interested in applying their name to the track bike used for the world record that was attempted, at altitude, in Mexico City (the bike was however built in Italy). See Merckx's record attempt on a Colnago bike. The same thing happened when the Dane Ole Ritter later tried on a 'Benotto' bike that was actually built by my father. This was a way for local companies to take advantage of such attempts. No relative has ever had any ties to Windsor. --------------------------- Da: Steven Maasland [] Inviato: domenica 21 novembre 2004 22.20 A: Cinetica Sas Oggetto: Re: Richiesta di informazione


Recentemente, si sono messi a circolare voci di corridoio di un possibile legame tra la fabbrica messicana di bici Windsor ed un tuo parente. Secondo le voci, ci sarebbe stato un tuo cugino o parente che era collegato alla nascita della Windsor, e che era dovuto a questo legame che la Windsor abbia copiato il disegno della Cinelli SC. Mi sapresti dire se c'è qualche merito a questi voci e/o che ci sia stato un legame qualsiasi tra le Cinelli e la Windsor?



Translation: There have recently been rumors ciruclating about a possible link between the Mexican bike company Windsor and one of your relatives. According to these rumors, one of your cousins or relatives was linked to the birth of Windsor and that it was due to this link that Windsor copied the design of the Cinelli SC. Can you tell me whether there is any merit whatsoever to these rumors and/or if there was ever any tie between Cinelli and Windsor?