Three cheers for Giacomo Gabus for putting up the good fight. It was fun to
watch. Enjoy the rims Chris
Mike Schmidt
Stirling, NJ
> Chris Arkell wrote:
> >
> > OK, I'll unmask myself; I was the winning bidder. What can I say? I
want what I want, and it must be original -- no stickers on the cheaper
stuff. Besides, another Masi owner (I believe, very well known to the CR
List) was bidding against me! I paid too much but I got the real deal for
my one and only '70's Masi GC.
> >
> > Chris Arkell
> > Bloomfield Hills, MI
> No need to explain Chris. To me it shows you have the burning passion
> for the stuff... the kind of passion the Japanese exhibit when they go
> after stuff on eBay.
> BRAVO!!!
> Chuck Schmidt
> South Pasadena, Southern California
> .