In a message dated 11/26/04 3:03:59 PM, Charles writes:
Is the difference in the stickers chronological, or does the difference denote a model..? I think maybe the different stickers denote different models, one lighter, one heavier. I'm sure someone can clarify the meantime, the rims that are the *real* prize are the ones with the other sticker, imho. Just my opinion. And I also certainly snap up the Martanos Chris bought when I have the chance.
Btw, for what it's worth, I have a one page factory brochure featuring a of a Colnago Mexico from 1975, first generation Mexico (copies of which I handed out at the VR in October) it appears to be a show-bike, and you can just make out that the rims are the same Martanos as the ones Chris bought on ebay.
That agrees with what a fellow listmember and avid Masiphile told me recently... the bowtie decal is '75 and later and the pyramid decal is before '75.
Bob Hovey
Columbus GA