So if you saw a Panasonic with a Masi transfer on it from a distance you would just pass it by and not take a closer look. You are definitely better than I to judge that. I would have to take a look even if I were 2 feet away.
Ray Homiski
Elizabeth, NJ
> my point was that a true classicist could not
> confuse the two brands from a distance either.
> chester, ct
> -- wrote:
> Not strong at all, honest. We all look at bikes with a collectors eye but
> from a distance one bike would draw you closer while the other would not.
> That is the point I am trying to make.
> Ray Homiski
> Elizabeth, NJ
>> snipped:
>> wrote:
>> "If I put Masi transfers on the Panasonic, painted it a Masi color and
>> had
>> it signed would every one of you take a second look? On the other hand
>> if
>> I put a Panasonic transfer on a Masi would you even take a first look up
>> close or just pass it on your way to the next bike in line." Ray
>> Homiski
>> this is perhaps a bit strong, but i'll press the
>> send button regardless: anyone who is on this list
>> that could confuse these two brands with each other...
>> well, i just don't see that it's even remotely possible.
>> chester, ct