I have often wondered over the years why the allure for Italian frames. Surely it can't all be down to quality as they turned out some pretty dreadful stuff. Yes they did turn out a few top notch frames and some ot these were even made from Reynolds tubing. I think a lot of it is down to the cache of the name. Just like Armani, Gucci and Versace in the fashion world Cinelli, Colnalgo and Pinarrello have that exotic pretty ring to them. After all what poseur would want to ride a Pratt, Higgins or Benetfink all equal in their time to Italian exotica but woefully short of street cred! No having once owned a frightful Fiorelli I will stick by the awfully named British frames. But Italian Sergal morino wool gansey's yes please.
Yours in cycling. Michael Butler Huntingdon UK.
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