One man gathers what another man spills!!* One man's Econoissimo is another man's Holy Grail. e-RICHIE chester, ct
* anyone remember this one?
You are correct sir! It was low bike on the totem pole. Econoissimo!
e-CHUCKIE sopas, socal
"" wrote:
> bikerdaver-issimo -
> i can answer that. chuckie was right. colnago made this model.
> not all colnagos went to all countries. mebbe this one got
> here in small numbers. but it's a nago.
> chester, ct
> -- wrote:
> In a message dated 11/8/2004 6:03:18 PM PST, writes:
> d=1
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Charles-
> I agree in that it doesn't look like most "Supers" that I have seen or owned.
> I like the chromed lugs on this particular one. However, I noticed the word
> "EXPORT" on the fork crown. While I have heard of an "Export" model by Colnago,
> I was under the impression, (rightfully or wrongly) that it was not one of
> the higher level frames. I am, sure there are Colnago experts on the list that
> can give a better answer.
> cheers-
> Dave Anderson
> Cut Bank MT