I have a Raleigh Competition with the Jubilee set (Thanks Steve W) and I had a Moto Grand Jubilee with the long cage Jubilee set. I am impressed with the depth of knowledge on this site that knew of both of these bikes as being spec'd with Jubilee. Now for my contribution on the Alvit. I will have to walk the edge of being "on topic" here but will be careful not to fall off. Yes the Alvit was used by a lot of the Schwin "lightweight" bikes in the past. As in true Schwinn form it was private labeled with the Schwinn name soon after they started selling a lot of them. They are still prized among two groups of bicycle collectors. The Schwinn Krate people and the Raleigh Chopper folks. The Chopper people will pay a good price for an NOS Alvit, especially with the red wheels. I also have a very similar derailleur to the Alvit. It is called a Sprint, I'll bet they are made by Huret also because they look almost identical except for the name which was usually a sticker. These were found on the earliest of the Schwinn derailleur bikes along with several other Sprint group items.
Ray Homiski
Elizabeth, NJ