(Example: Framebuilders:Tubing)

Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004 08:09:24 -0500
From: "Phil Sieg" <>
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
cc: "C.R. LIST" <>

No, Dale, the ones originally referenced were £49. Not a king's ransom, to be sure. But the price wasn't the issue.

Phil "all chilled out now 'cuz it's Sunday mornin' comin' down" Sieg

Knoxville, Tennessee

At 22.05 11.12.04, Dale B. Phelps wrote:
>Pfft, Phil, have another martini and chill out, if these hubs todd
>snatched are the ones I was looking at on squee-bay, the combined total
>buy it now price was what, 16 bucks?
>Another merchant out there to screw us poor cyclistes, pocketing loads of
>profit and not even buying a digital camera to assure further graft PFFT
>Dale Phelps
>Longmont CO
>Phil Sieg <> wrote:
>I hope everything turns out well but I have a real problem in this day and
>age with folks listing a bunch of items with pictures pirated from other
>WWW sites. A basic digital camera doesn't cost that much. A picture is
>still no guarantee, but a "loving hands at home" version taken against some
>Gawdawful shag-carpet background, even if a little blurry, makes me think
>at least there's a good chance the seller has the item in his possession.
>If one is going to using other photos, one should state in the auction that
>the accompanying photo isn't representative of the item up for auction.
>It's dishonest to do otherwise. Steven confirms what my still-learning
>eyes thought. The rear hub looks to be at least able to accommodate a 5sp
>freewheel, and isn't a single speed.
>I apologize if the seller is a list member and takes offense, but this
>seller puts quite a few items up frequently and has a rather long list
>now. Some of those profits should go for a camera, I think.
>Phil "Still working on the first martini so I'll mellow out later" Sieg
>Knoxville, Tennessee
>At 18.28 11.12.04, wrote:
> >The picture of the hubs in this auction is taken from the Italian
> >components page of the CR website.I grabbed a pair from the seller after
> >checking his feedback for transactions with CR members.All positive,and
> >possibly a listmember himself.Even if they are not correctly dated,they
> >seem to be lovely hubs.
> >
> >Todd "if it looks too good to be true......" Kielman
> >Chicago
> >Still ignoring the collective wisdom of an entire civilization......
> >
> >_______________________________________________
>Dale B. Phelps,
>303 939 6967
>408 448 1714
>303 208 8664 pager
>"Never be afraid to try something new. The Ark
>was designed by amateurs. The Titanic was
>designed by professionals." - R. Buckminister Fuller