Dave Gordon wrote:
> I'm pretty sure that you guys have already talked abou this for years,
> but I need somehelp with figuring out what the number/date markings mean on
> my 1970s Campy NR and SR crank arms. Here is what I have. I have 5 sets
> of Cmapy NR cranks and the numbers I have on the arms are circled numbers 1,
> 2, 3, and 4, and I also have number 3 and 4 inside of a diamond on the
> inside of the crank arms. I thought that they referred to the date, but I
> wasn't exactly sure what the circle and diamond mean -- maybe the decade?
> Best,
> -Dave Gordon
> Los Angeles
Dave, it's explained at the bottom of my Campagnolo Timeline in the "Notes".
Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California