[CR]Bad Chip

(Example: Production Builders:Tonard)

From: "Jack Gabus" <jack@shermangabus.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 14:03:58 -0800
cc: Bob Hovey <BobHoveyGa@aol.com>
Subject: [CR]Bad Chip

Bob replied and wrote.
> I think someone ought to design, manufacture, and sell
> some sort of tracking system.=A0 One could epoxy a tiny
> water-proof "chip" way down in the seat tube.=A0 Then,
> the owner could have a "link" to the chip and look on
> the internet to see exactly where his/her bike is
> sitting/moving at any given time on a computer
> enhanced map.
> Ted Baer
> Palo Alto, CA

BAD, BAD, BAD idea. My wife knows how to use a computer too... you think=20= I=20 want her knowing where I am all the time? Hell, that's one of the reasons=20= I=20 got a bike in the first place. Bob Hovey columbus, GA

My replies is "WHAT BOB HOVEY SAID!" That is why I cruise Pac Coast Hwy with my buds.....To gripe about my lovely wife.

Jack W. Gabus, IIDA, CID
Sherman Gabus, Inc.
PH. 562/426.0118
FX. 562/424.2327
MB. 310/490.3784