[CR]Details of "my" Nagasawa

(Example: Racing:Roger de Vlaeminck)

From: <"richardsachs@juno.com">
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2004 14:39:56 GMT
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Details of "my" Nagasawa

now that it has arrived safe and sound, i share here with you (with permission of the writer...) some of the emails that relate to the frame order. just as i did the last time i ordered a frame from someone (way back in the early 70s, from mr. hurlow) i saved all the correspondance on this order. the text below represents about a third of it all, and i omitted some that i felt was not CR list relevent. my nagasawa frame is extremely beautiful and well-crafted and i am honored to own one after all the years of lusting. thanks for indulging me. e-RICHIE chester, ct

================ here: Dear Richard,
     This sounds great and the whole project should be alot of fun. We have noted all your points and we can work out the other details next week. We are excited already and think this frame should be the hit of the 2004 Interbike show.
     Yoshiaki Nagasawa produces one special frame each year for the Japanese handmade show. This show frame has paper thin lugs and special finishing treatments beyond normal production. Last year Mr. Nagasawa made one special frame for our Interbike show display as well.
      Normal production Nagasawa frames are beautiful however according to Mr. Nagasawa a show frame with this level of attention requires twice the production time of a normal frame. Very best regards, ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ================== Dear Richard,
       Mr. Nagasawa is creating a special frame just for you. This frame was booked as a Special Production show frame. Normally Mr. Nagasawa builds one special frame like this each year to display at the Japanese handmade show. Your Nagasawa frame will be displayed at the Interbike show. <snipped> Very best regards, ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ================== Dear Richard,
      You are correct, this is booked as a special production show frame and Mr. Nagasawa fully understands all of the details surrounding this frame. This frame is to be the focal point of our booth. <snipped> Very best regards, ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ==================