Check this out:
I'm assuming this is a repaint.. the mix of graphics on this thing is enough to give a person vertigo. There appears to be a graphic of every flavor from 1974 to 1984 on that frame. Whoever repainted it wasn't too worried about authenticity..<g> Of course, if that's a factory job, then I'm really amused..but I doubt it. That *Colnago Super* graphic on the top-tube is typical of the repro chain-stay graphics I've seen, it's not quite right..the outline is too thick around the *S* in Super, or the face is too thin, one or the other.. that's always bugged me about that repro too. You see it a lot on repaints.
In any case. likely a repaint, and one of the more eccentric repaints I've ever seen.
Charles "procrastinating on ebay" Andrews Socal