[CR]Re: Bikes -frames for sale

(Example: Events)

Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2004 00:00:03 +0100
From: "Matteo Brandi" <bees.bfg@tin.it>
To: cr list <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
In-Reply-To: <mailman.908.1104015431.252.classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]Re: Bikes -frames for sale

>> Santa Teo(lookin fabulous in his retro-looking Gucci velour Santa outfit)
>> jumps off his Faliero built sled,and looks at the outside of CR Lounge
>> bar""mmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhh,nice place here.So is this the famous Dale's crib?i
>> wonder who spins the records here now.(since the fact that Kamenjas is back
>> in OZ)
>> Ok,since im a classic,ill go for the chimney!SO Matteo goes....but suddenly
>> hes orrified by one thought!"Man,if i go down the chimney,i could ruin my
>> fresh,outta the box,hella limited, Nike Vandal in the super rare
>> Black-Olive green color combo!
>> Damn!Ok then,ill go for the door!As i walk toward the door i spot a dude
>> with a flower-power type clothing on,and i think"this kid looks familiar,i
>> wonder what are them sheriff-star looking thingies hes holding on his
>> hands"
>> As Matteo gets closer,he suddenly recognize the guy"Bob{hovey}!!!!!!!Whatcha
>> doing here!its mad cold outside!"
>> "Matteo"replies Bob,with a sad smile in his face"DUde,im not allowed to go
>> in if i wanna talk about c-record,Dale aint down for them parts
>> yet,unfortunately"So ,Matteo,looks at them shiny things and says"Bob,them
>> hubs are bling bling!Ok,lemme go in and talk to him,ok?ill see what i can
>> do"
>> As matteo walks up the steps and through the porch,he notices 2 figures
>> standing on both sides of the main door.They both rock a Siegfried and Roy
>> outfit with a bouncer type pose."Man,i knew that thoose Cr kids are a bunch
>> of weirdos,but,yo...whatever"Approachin the couple,Matteo notice that the
>> taller dude,is wearin a (seemingly) NOS pair of early Jordans in a dope
>> black-red color combo.Meanwhile,the other,a bit shorter and with
>> a-la-boo-ya-tribe braided type pony tail,rocks a t-shit with KK written on
>> it."Hi guys,im Matteo,its my first time here,lemme introduce myself!"and the
>> odd couple simoultaneous reply was"Hi,im RIchard|Brian and the this is my
>> friend BRian|Richard.we represent KOF crew"Suddenly,the face of the taller
>> one, changed when he spotted the fresh joints i had on my feet"Dope Vandals
>> u got on son,where did u cop 'em?""KId,them joints are mad limited,Italian
>> market only.Only for few selected heads worldwide"Mesmerized by such
>> items,Richard replied with a nod"oh.....WORD"After that,Richard,knew he was
>> dealin with a force to be reckoned with,and said"Ok,u can go in,we having a
>> XMAS party for few selected members."Ok man,thanx!oh,by the way,whos spinnin
>> the records today?""Dude,we got this Los Angeleno kid with cholo
>> outfit,coming right outta Tokyo.Kid,is on point,he craft hisown
>> records...wooden ones.way ahead!Got dope beats too!""Oh cool,ill check him
>> out!!!!!"
>> After he walked throught that door.Matteo finds himself in a very happening
>> party populated by some funky people.
>> People wearin Speedos in December?(LOU)Dude sporting a repro Michael
>> Jackson|thriller type jacket with Lugged shoulder joints and studded
>> wristbands(kirk Pacenti)Framebuilders kickin it with a 6-pack of Schlitz(Ed
>> Litton)Calicollectors gettin groovy with Peyote and Ouja boards trying to
>> get in touch with Faliero(Matt,Chuck,Jan,Jay,Charles)East coast collectors
>> wearin Fubus with Dettos ,lead by a Bostonian with a Darth Vader outfit(Ken
>> denny with his posse)Franco-Fundamentalists burning italian flags (Texas
>> Mooslim and co-hort Kohler) Motorcity kid wanderin around trying to find
>> someone to talk about TOrpados,but he goes pretty much ignored(MArk Agree)
>> Brooklynites ragin around all decked out on Prada and cleated gucci mocs
>> (Pergolizzi and Nino Hellman)Alamedians with ammo-style hub holders
>> crossed around the shoulders ready to catch beef with random people about
>> campy hubs from 58 onwards.(stevan thomas)
>> As Matteo was checkin the crowd,he notices a dude with glasses on the other
>> end of the room...Dale!
>> Matteo walks towards him in a HI_FI fashion,as he strut through the
>> crowd,Dale grabs the mic and goes.....
>> "Ladies and gentlemen,finally,after missing CDC 2004,Matteo,the legendary
>> italian,the Masi provider,Kauzo's best friend.....IS FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!"
>> Blushing big time,matteo decide that is time to say a couple things...
>> Innanzi tutto...Merry X-mas to you all, kidz!
>> Second,i just wanna let you know that the "Miss Funderbunk Joyous Fan Club"
>> prismatic cards are now in stock!
>> NOw,since the fact that im holdin the mic ,i will also offer someframes and
>> bikes to the list,i wish i had more,but i went through some funky times!
>> Here they are:
> Vintage Rauler Bike.Appears to be an early 70s model.Sorta Lobster orange
> with yellow accents.Fully equipped with campagnolo parts beside the
> levers,that appeared to be universal with supercool drilling with red
> accents(red accents also ont he crankarms)Campagnolo pedals with strap
> loops.Straight QR calipers.Supercool drilled-panto chainring.Rauler logo
> pantoed on the Cinelli stem.There are some light scratches here and there
> with a light attempt of retouches.Decals area bit cracked but still all
> there.I have pix to show.Size 55 x 54 750 shipped(can negotiate abit)
> NOS motta frame,with a la Master type tubing.Model 2001.white with painted a
> reas on the DT-tt-ST .Very cool.125 rear spacing.430 shipped
> NOS Moser frame .size is 53.5x54.rear spacing 130 mm.Cool blue-white combo
> with some sorta retinato design.430 shipped
> NOS MOSER slx frame 55x55.5.Light violet-grey combo. 130 mm spacing 430
> shipped
> I also have the bike that belonged to Dante Morandi,ex- italian pro
> <http://www.torelli.com/home.html?http://www.torelli.com/raceinfo/stageraces
> /Tirreno/tirrenoadriatico.html&1>
> HE also won the fourth stage of the Giro in 1980 when he used to race for
> Hoonved-Bottecchia.
> Its a Steyr-track bike.Smaller wheel on the front.Its labelled as an Atala
> but built by Merckx factory(Mercks stamped on the top of the forks).It has a
> huge ring on(65 teeth i believe) it also had the vittoria tire
> covers.Tubulars have the italian federation logo on them.Size is 56x57.
> Aesthetically speakingits not the prettiest,but would be cool to own or to
> display in a shop.Im Askin 1000 usd shipped OBO,I can provide
> documentation.
> I aslo have 2 pairs of NOS Benotto shoes in size 42 for sale.30 shipped
> each.
> Ok guys,im out for a drink,again,Buon Natale!
> Matteo brandi Firenze italy
> ps:man,lemme tell ya,its hard to be italian and to be on a diet,but it gets
> way harder around X-mas time..........