Thanks for building the Web pages and posssint all the
photos. Of course it all really makes me wonder why they kept
making little changes to the appearance of the wrench. Other
than those minor changes, the wrench doesn't seem to have
changed over the years (except for the style of plating). Is
it thatthe tooling kept wearing out and the changes occurred as
new tools were made for the forgings? Or what?
Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia
> When this thread about variations in the 769 wrench started a
> week or
> so ago I headed to the basement and pulled out the modest
> collection
> of wrenches I assembled beginning 20 years ago. That lead to
> an
> experiment in web building that can be seen at:
> Please excuse my crude first-timers effort. Hopefully
> everyone will
> enjoy the images.
> Brook Watts
> Longmont Colo
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