Sheesh, who cares? I was wondering what it be in Swahili? This kind of retort is about as irritating as it gets.
Rod Kronenberg
Fort Collins, Co
> The captain feigning offense at Peter's use of language states:
\r?\n> Welllll, that's true of British bikes, but not European.
\r?\n> F'rinstance, if they're French they have "gardes boues."
\r?\n> I know that you try hard in French, Sheldon, but what you write is not
\r?\n> completely correct. While it has become commonplace to use "gardes boues" in
\r?\n> France, any member of the Académie Française will tell you it is actually
\r?\n> grammatically incorrect. The correct plural for garde boue (a direct translation
\r?\n> being mudguard) is actually "gardes boue" without the 's' at the end of boue.
\r?\n> In Italian it is parafango or parafanghi in plural, which also translate
\r?\n> directly to mudguard. In Dutch the term used: 'Spatbord' translates to 'splash
\r?\n> board'; the German equivalent 'Schutzblech' becomes 'protection iron'...
\r?\n> --
\r?\n> Steven 'not bilingual' Maasland
\r?\n> Moorestown, NJ